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Forums - Sales Discussion - 2009 is OVER - Predict LIFETIME Sales of Consoles & Handhelds

very strange... ok ps3 have GT5, GOW3 in 2010 (that will a magic combo for sony) but after that, ps3 fall into the darkness for all the rest of this gen and the 360 explose.  2010 will be a great year for MS for sure, but USA alone can't counter the rise of ps3 in the rest of the world. But hey, this gen is full of surprises!

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darthdevidem01 said:
Slimebeast said:
wii 120mill
ps3 80 mill
x360 70mill

a 10 million gap huh?

you really think thats gonna happen slimebeast


Of course. Maybe even more than 10 million.

You see, PS3 is selling 1-2 million more than X350 year on year, and if both consoles have a 7 year life span (plus overlapping sales into next gen) the total difference will easily be 10 million. The X360 launched one year earlier, remember.

My end of 2010 is in my sig but

Wii Lifetime - 110-115 Million. The Wii won't sell as much in the next 3 years as it did in its first 3 years in my opinion; due to the increased competition from Sony and MS. I think the Wii 2 or Wii HD will be out in 2012 which will kill the Wii sales.

PS3 Lifetime - 90-100 Million. The PS3 is going to sell a lot better in the next 3 years then it did in its first 3 years since its now a good price. Also it will sell a couple years into the PS4's life.

360 Lifetime - 65-70 Million of NATAL flops, 80-85 Million if NATAL is popular.

And I could give a rats ass about handhelds but I'll do it anyways.

PSP Lifetime - 75-80 million

DS Lifetime - 900 million

i agree with what the guy said earlier


                                       That's Gordon Freeman in "Real-Life"


Around the Network
Kenoid said:
i agree with what the guy said earlier

Which one will that be.

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

Wii: 87.5 million (22.5 million in 2010)
360: 49 million (12 million in 2010)
PS3: 46 million (13.5 million in 2010)
DS: 149 million (25 million in 2010)
PSP: 62.5 million (7 million in 2010)

I'm too much of a coward to do Lifetime sales.

I dont think Wii will sell more then 2008 in the future. It was a record year. I think Wii will be with Zelda maximum 1 Mio over 2009 otherwise they would be down yoy.

Wii: 85 Mio 2010
Ps3: 45 Mio 2010
360: 47 Mio 2010
DS: 147 Mio 2010
PSP: 61 Mio 2010


Wii: 125 Mio
DS: 175 Mio
360: 70 Mio
Ps3: 83 Mio
PSP: 70 Mio

Wii - 85m
PS3 - 43m
X360 - 45m
DS - 150m
PSP - 62m

Wii - 135m
PS3 - 75m
X360 - 70m
DS - 200m
PSP - 75m

Wii = 84 million (19 million sales for 2010)
360 = 47 million (10 million sales for 2010)
PS3 = 44 million (12.5 million sales for 2010)
PSP = 63 million (7.5 million for 2010)
DS = 148 million (24 million for 2010)

Wii = 150 million
PS3 = 75 million
360 = 65 million
PSP = 80 million
DS = 200 million