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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Dear Square, If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It. Leave Final Fantasy Alone

Dear Square-Enix,
I’ve never written a letter to a publisher/developer before because I never felt the need to but today is the day of reckoning.
First let me congratulate you on the unmatched work you’ve done with the Final Fantasy franchise and the huge amount of success you’ve had and no doubt will continue to in the future. I said no doubt but probably I should take that back; you see, recently your president, Yoichi Wada said some things that immediately caught my attention, words I did not receive too well and ever since then, I’ve been in a perturbed state that has been difficult to shake off. This letter won’t be long so let’s isolate the problem to better deal with the dilemma.
Yoichi Wada spoke to Edge in a recent interview in which he said that he thought it was time the Final Fantasy team move on to create and generate some ‘next generation’ forms of play.” In fact here’s the full quote:
“I believe Final Fantasy XIII is going to be something special and that it’s going to be well received by the audience,” your boss said.
“but whether we are going to continue to internally create this type of game remains to be seen, because I actually feel that the team that was involved with Final Fantasy XIII should move on to create and generate some ‘next generation’ forms of play.”
And later he said: “I really think that the Final Fantasy team could create something completely different but at the moment they’re strictly catering to the particular audience they have now.”
I must be honest, after reading the interview, I felt my spirit drop. Now a 27yr old young man, I grew up playing final Fantasy games from NES days and although I was introduced to the franchise from a young age, true love happened when Final Fantasy VII came out. The mechanics of the franchise have basically been the same with little changes between each iteration. It’s the story that sets each Final Fantasy title apart, nothing “new” or “modern” would drastically change the game’s appeal in a positive light; people love Final Fantasy mainly because they’re awesome RPGs with second to none storytelling, and therefore I see no reason to move away from those elements.

I understand that we’re in a ‘new modern world’ but that doesn’t mean everything has to change along with it; some things are better left untethered, untouched and intact. If my mind serves me right, recently you said you wanted Final Fantasy to last forever so you’re definitely not talking about abandoning the franchise, but rather turning it into something different. I admire your passion, taking risk is what has made your company successful, but I also believe there are certain risks one should never take.
Remember the Final Fantasy audience has aged with it, are you willing to alienate this entire crowed in the name of “change”? The games have sold extremely well throughout the years and recently on the PS3 in Japan when the latest title, FFXIII sold almost two million copies in one week. I don’t know about you but my eyes can’t see anyone crying “change” with those numbers.
To conclude, I’ll say only this: If it ain’t broke, then please Square-Enix don’t fix it; the franchise isn’t perfect but it’s one of the most outstanding ever forged, don’t ruin it.
Yours Sincerely
Ernice Gilbert


Agreed! We should make a petition

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Have you already played the game?

Yep. Agreed. Why ruin something that has been great ever since 1991?

Casualisation of the Final Fantasy series. Square realises they need to get as many people as possible to buy the game. Make the game really easy so everyone can play it. More games sold = more profits.

I don't think I'd mind someone else taking on the FF series and the team who made it trying to do something new. It must get tiresome working on the same thing as a team all your exsistance - the foundations of FF are already laid out and I'm sure there are plenty of teams talented enough to keep it going.

I mean, isn't that half the reason people are so excited for FFVXIII? Cause we're hoping the different team will be able to reignite the FF formula while keeping it FF.

Around the Network

I thought the motto of every Final Fantasy was"If it's not broke...fix it". Isn't that why we have a dozen fighting systems, storylines, etc. and the last three particularly are all on different ends of the spectrum? I mean really, how much in common are Final Fantasy X, XI and XII?

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

They aren't ruining anything.... they are only doing something different. I see nothing wrong with stopping production on Final Fantasy or working on a new IP. Don't be so narrow-minded and think about the possible things we may get out of this.

Odd. Future. Wolf. Gang. Kill. Em. All. OFWGKTA Don't give a fuck!

Fuck Steve Harvey. FREE EARL!

Final Fantasy Versus XIII will be the GREATEST game EVER made!!!

I'd take a bullet for Square-Enix! 


Lets see

one things for sure, I can't wait for FF15 to be revealed!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

:P more I hear about all this anti change. The more I want to see FF be done by western developers :P

oh how I love the anguish of pain form die hard fans :P

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.

Wada said in that interview in Edge that in the future Final Fantasies MIGHT be made by western developers with Japanese developers overseeing the project.
