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do you think the title mistwalker unannouced title could it be a 360 exclusive because wasnt their deal three titles they got blue dragon , lost odyssy and had another title that was an action rpg cry on mistwalker canned it tho so if this new title another 360 exclsuive maybe microsoft hasnt drop japan completely but if this new mistwalker title not a 360 title and natal doesnt catch on in japan even tho hideo kojima, capcom square-enix, tecmo etc r working with and prasing natal and that mgs last arsenal in japan if it fails the 360 will be dead

and here the link for canned cry on

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Mistwalker is a good studio to own, but I think that MS wants to do things their way, which it turns out is buying timed exclusives, and as a fan of the Xbox it pisses me off. I was just talking to my friend about the God of War collection, and you can't play that anywhere else but on the PS consoles. And it's awesome. We never get to see what the 360 is capable of because the big exclusives just use the unreal engine. Whereas Sony has these studios who do nothing but build custom software for the PS3 and "Surprise!" they look great.

MS could buy quite a lot studios actually. They have the money to do so.... probably more than ever with the success of Windows 7. Even the EDD made some nice profits the past two years.

As a gamer, I would love to see them buy smaller but highly skilled studios. Here are my Top3:

  • Remedy
  • Epic Games
  • Mistwalker

But as a rational person I think it would be stupid to buy them. Look at Epic Games, their biggest title was Gears of War (2). MS secured it as an exclusive anyway. Both made a lot of money with it. Win/Win situation.

Remedy working on Alan Wake and it will be a Xbox 360 exclusive. Paying for the studio for the past 5 years without seeing ANY revenue at all would be much more expensive than paying for the single game.

Mistwalker made Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey. Both are Xbox 360 exclusives.

I think the way MS acts is pretty smart. They check independet developers for upcoming games and secure them as exclusives. They avoid the risk of owning a studio. Or they let other indepent companies creat new franchises for them. MS owns the franchise without owning the studio. Infinite Undiscovery is an example for this. Square (TriAce) made the game, MS owns the IP. Or Crackdown in the West as a more successful example

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

epicberserk said:
do you think the title mistwalker unannouced title could it be a 360 exclusive because wasnt their deal three titles they got blue dragon , lost odyssy and had another title that was an action rpg cry on mistwalker canned it tho so if this new title another 360 exclsuive maybe microsoft hasnt drop japan completely but if this new mistwalker title not a 360 title and natal doesnt catch on in japan even tho hideo kojima, capcom square-enix, tecmo etc r working with and prasing natal and that mgs last arsenal in japan if it fails the 360 will be dead

and here the link for canned cry on

It was a two game deal, and Microsoft was not publishing Cry On.



Epic is a small company? o.0

CommonMan said:
Mistwalker is a good studio to own, but I think that MS wants to do things their way, which it turns out is buying timed exclusives, and as a fan of the Xbox it pisses me off. I was just talking to my friend about the God of War collection, and you can't play that anywhere else but on the PS consoles. And it's awesome. We never get to see what the 360 is capable of because the big exclusives just use the unreal engine. Whereas Sony has these studios who do nothing but build custom software for the PS3 and "Surprise!" they look great.

You seem to be one of few people to understand thats pretty much whats preventing xbox from having its own "uncharted 2" graphics king thing.To be honest as a xbox owner it bothers me sometime but hey what your gonna do.Also I would say microsoft(and just about every other developer) has less interest fleshing out the xboxhardware.To be honest the best gaphics on the 360 would be resident evil 5(surprising how capcom makes leaps each time they use their engnie).....and thats multiplatform.

Natal and Sony's flashing Ice cream cone

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the japanese government would never allow that

my signature went on strike, it's demanding 3% raise

Microsoft should found new studios, hire talented people, and try to get more of an identity.


KungKras said:
Microsoft should found new studios, hire talented people, and try to get more of an identity.

But with buying studios you also get IP along with them

microsoft is doing fine. the 360 will end up with a profit that will justify another console.
which can really be said about the PS3 right now, I'm sure share holders are not very happy with sony right now

my signature went on strike, it's demanding 3% raise

There's certainly some logic to that but MS seems headed in the opposite direction - releasing Bungie, and closing two of their other studios. MS doesn't seem to see much value in owning a lot of studios. I guess they'd rather just pay other studios to make exclusives for them.