dsister44 on 06 January 2010
epicberserk said: do you think the title mistwalker unannouced title could it be a 360 exclusive because wasnt their deal three titles they got blue dragon , lost odyssy and had another title that was an action rpg cry on mistwalker canned it tho so if this new title another 360 exclsuive maybe microsoft hasnt drop japan completely but if this new mistwalker title not a 360 title and natal doesnt catch on in japan even tho hideo kojima, capcom square-enix, tecmo etc r working with and prasing natal and that mgs last arsenal in japan if it fails the 360 will be dead and here the link for canned cry on http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2008/12/mistwalker-360-action-rpg-canned.ars |
It was a two game deal, and Microsoft was not publishing Cry On.
Epic is a small company? o.0