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Forums - Gaming Discussion - If you could create a new genre what would it be?

^ Wild Arms, but it's a JRPG series = SHALLOW dialogues and NPCs.


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An on-rails RPG.

Never ending RPG created on the same engine as Fallout 3 and Oblivion.

Tetris + 2d Mario

I don't know how... all I can think of is how huge it would be.

FREE (Fully Realistic Exploratory Environment)

Basically, the concept of my game, which would probably spur its own genre, would be a game where you could enter the world and literally explore the entire area freely and do whatever you want. Imagine Grand Theft Auto, Pokemon, Dragon Quest and Zelda fused into one giant game, but without any restrictions, main objectives or ties to storyline. You, the player, create your own objectives and develop your own game on the fly. If you want to jump into a car and cause mayhem, you can do it. If you want to go off and save a random girl from a crazy axe wielding maniac, you can do it. If you just want to jump on a crotch rocket and ride into the can do it.

Six upcoming games you should look into:



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KungKras said:

You control your kingdom in a living world with millions of other kingdoms constantly battling each other forming and breaking alliances. Gameplay mechanics should be similar to Age of Mythology but much more complex. You invade areas that are like maps, and when you're not playing, you can let a customizable AI take over. Everything can evolve, like your civilization's culture, religion, and war tactics. This affects diplomancy with other kingdoms of course.


Sounds like Travian for me, the one which this site sometimes has lots of ads for ;)

The Romance genre.  I'm surprised no company has pioneered and exploited this genre yet.

Games in this genre will be executed mostly like interactive adventure games -- but with several key differences. The new genre will capture the mostly untapped but potentially very profitable market of the hormonal teenage and lonely heart female demographics. 

This genre will have no fighting. No combat. No weapon. No stats (because we all know maths and numbers make the ladies' heads hurt.) It will have plenty of (vomit inducing) "girl meets boy and they pledge undying eternal love for each other forever and ever but for some reasons they cannot be together" scenarios, with female lead characters and drop-dead gorgeous, ultra-sensitive male romantic interests that will gonna make real men puke.

The games will like a cross between adventure, exploration, and role-playing.  They will have plenty of choices and dilemmas: should our "strong, empowered, beautiful" female protagonist (that's how all the girls -- even the fugly fatties -- love to flatter themslves) go with the ever-sensitive sissy boy who's torn between love and familial duty, or the rebellious bad boy with six-pecs who don't give a phuck about anyone or anything?

This will be a genre that no real man will want to touch with a ten-foot pole, but girls (and gay boys) will pour their money into it and become addicted.  Whoever pioneers and leads the waves in this genre will make a shitload of money off those gullible females (no disrepect to all the bitches reading this.)

Don't any of your mutherphuckers steal my idea!!!

... So you want a "Twilight: The Official Videogame Of The Film" ?


Survival simulation.Something like resident evil(the 1st one) but bigger,open ended,with rpg elements and many different ways to survive,kill or die.

The Sims meets Resident evil meets Fallout sounds good to me. xD




PS:Hooray,10th post get!

jbrist said:
... So you want a "Twilight: The Official Videogame Of The Film" ?


I personally wouldn't touch the game with a ten-foot pole, but you know it will earn gazillions of dollars from all the crazy hormonal broads out there.