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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Naughty Dog praises the Wii

Naughty Dog seem to be the nicest dev team on the planet

no idea how to make this properly work

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Could Naughty Dog be hinting at...

Jak & Daxtar 4 with complete motion controls?!?!

Wii_Master said:
backtracking ehh!!! i laugh at how people used to say wii was dumb and it would fail on ninty and they would become like sega.....well look at the stats right now...

Naughty Dog is an awesome developer and they make great games and laso i read here once that someone said they included iw and some other dev in U2 credits/????

Backtracking?? What has ND ever said that was negative about wii.

Don't put sony's or whoever's words into ND's mouth.

They may be under the sony "umbrella" but I am pretty sure they speak for themselves.

Again as most already stated I find them great developers with a great attitude that a lot of other developers lack.

They seem to love what they do and have no problem liasing with "copmpeting" developers as with bungie.

I know it probably wouldn't happen, more so now with the wand soon to drop, but it would be great if sony let them do some stuff on the wii.

Does get hope for the evangelization of motion controls.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

mike_intellivision said:
At least one developer gets you need to build motion in from the ground up.
That speaks well for Sony's chances of getting some good games for its wand.

Mike from Morgantown

Eh, whenever I hear this from developers, it always feels like it's so transparently trying to further the manufactured casual/hardcore binary.  Basically it comes off as "it can't do our thing, but hey those Wii ____ minigames are still kinda fun".  He even managed to get in a subversive comment about his 3 year old (ie: Wii's for babies *laughter*), it's like PR mastery.

I'd actually argue that motion/IR controls lend themselves wonderfully to established game designs.  Even 3D adventure games, and even old 3D adventure games designed around a traditional controller, which we've seen top shelf examples of on Wii already (RE4, Zelda TP, Metroid Prime, etc).  And honestly, it's pretty easy to see where it could even improve the Uncharted 2 experience (IR gunplay, motion based puzzles, etc).  I'm perpetually curious what exactly the so-called "hardcore" is so seemingly afraid of? 


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killeryoshis said:
Siko1989 said:
killeryoshis said:
Sony wants to team up with nintendo cofirmed?

no way man, you know what happened in the early 90's between sony and nintendo ... super nintendo CD ring any bells? lol... sony and nintendo never got along in the 90s, i dont know about now though

They'll proberly team up with apple to come up with motion controls than fail. Apple goes solo. Apple graps 2nd place.
causeing Sony to drop out of the industry. While MS hangs on to dear life in 3rd place. Nintendo prints money in 1st

sony does engineering part. so either way sony keeps the tech, they developed.


At least, you now know they would be building games from ground up for the new Sony MC instead of porting Wii games over.

That's a good thing.

No. A great thing.

Sony to go third party :D

Xoj said:
killeryoshis said:
Siko1989 said:
killeryoshis said:
Sony wants to team up with nintendo cofirmed?

no way man, you know what happened in the early 90's between sony and nintendo ... super nintendo CD ring any bells? lol... sony and nintendo never got along in the 90s, i dont know about now though

They'll proberly team up with apple to come up with motion controls than fail. Apple goes solo. Apple graps 2nd place.
causeing Sony to drop out of the industry. While MS hangs on to dear life in 3rd place. Nintendo prints money in 1st

sony does engineering part. so either way sony keeps the tech, they developed.


its no fun to take a joke and make it serious.

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

Nice to hear. I like their games a lot despite being held back by outdated console HW. Make a PC game Naughty Dog and don't be held back by half decade old hardware.

XBL: WiiVault Wii: PM me  PSN: WiiVault

PC: AMD Athlon II Quadcore 635 (OC to 4.0ghz) , ATI Radeon 5770 1GB (x2)

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