MontanaHatchet said: I'm loving the possibility of the Sony Gem (if that's really the name).
So many PS3 games, both exclusive and multi-platform, could be remade with motion controls. The PS3 could pretty much be the Wii HD that we never had. Natal has some interesting possibilities right now, but I'll have to see how it's implemented in big name titles like Fable 3 and Halo: Reach before I form my final opinion on it (sorry, flip-and-swing-your-arms Dodgeball looks pretty dull). As fo the Wii Vitality Sensor, what does that even do? |
I could possible see GEM doing really well as well. Many games could be made using the GEM that would be a pretty easy port over to WII (or vice versa). But Im more interested in the future. Which will change gaming in the future and due to this Im sticking with 3D.
Natal interests me from more of a technical standpoint than a gaming one. Im having a hard time finding "real" practicle uses for it in a game. I can see the draw of the tech, but there are some questions that we have to answer.
A) How hard will it be to program for?
B) Will the attach rate be enough to warrant all the extra expendenture?
C) How hard will it be to make a game that can both use the tech and not?
D) How expensive will the piece of hardware end up being?