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Forums - Sales Discussion - NSMBW sells over 500k units in its third week in Japan (1.9M LTD)

ioi said:
There is absolutely no doubt (and hasn't been for a while) that it will become the biggest Wii game in Japan - it is looking good for at least 4 and probably 5m in Japan at the current rate.

Really? That should mean that with at least 6.5 Million - 7.5 Million in NA and another 6 Million in Others, this game is looking at at least 16.5 Million LT if not more. The range probably goes from 16.5 Million - 23 Million considering its legs and it rising over 500K on its 3rd week.


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Yea I think the 4-5 million projections for Japan sales of NSMB Wii will probably be pretty good. As for worldwide, I don't doubt it being a huge seller for many months to come. U.S. sales are going to be hot for quite sometime. I'm telling ya, this is getting new, young, old, and veteran gamers all alike to pick this title up. Considering how big the NES and Mario was in America, I think this can sell huge numbers for a long time there. Game will definitely have Mario Kart Wii type sales trends but potentially at a higher magnitude.

Only region that may potentially have issues is the European areas, namely the UK. I think the rest of Europe, especially France and Germany, will continue to have long sales trends but the UK may be a little different. But we'll see how it sales there over time.

I'd say 15 million right now is an easy projection for this game to hit and 20 million is probably likely for the title. Just going to be curious how this title sells along with Super Mario Galaxy 2, but it is Mario and people will pick up both more than likely. This game is going to be fun to watch over the next 12 months.[35076]&reg2=America&game2=Call+of+Duty%3A+Modern+Warfare+2+-+PS3[28847]&reg3=America&game3=Call+of+Duty%3A+Modern+Warfare+2+-+X360[28848]&weeks=15[35076]&reg2=All&game2=Call+of+Duty%3A+Modern+Warfare+2+-+PS3[28847]&reg3=All&game3=Call+of+Duty%3A+Modern+Warfare+2+-+X360[28848]&weeks=15

America and Worldwide graphs there.
NSMB has already passed the PS3 version Worldwide, and with the next data will pass it for Americas.

It looks like it could pass the X360 version Worldwide with just 3 more weeks, but if not then 4 weeks.
For passing the X360 version in America it is going to take at least 10 more weeks I believe, possibly 15-20 weeks.

What, it's already outsold Brawl? Whoa.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


Wow, those are some huge numbers.

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2-D mario here to stay forever cofirmed? I now hope for NSMBW 2 to be bundled with the next wii

Also why isn't NSMBW not in the related games topic

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

O.o Whoa
Keep it up Mario :P Damn those hotcakes are going fast.
Thought it would do something like NSMBDS but on a slightly smaller scale, but this is blowing it away so far.

i bet nintendo is feeling kinda dumb for not releasing a big 2d mario earlier. Even mario 64 didn't sell that much in Japan, and there was only a few games available at launch. NSMB wii has already outsold SM64 in japan.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

Yeah this game is selling like crazy! I wonder how Reggie's bet is going.

johnsobas said:
i bet nintendo is feeling kinda dumb for not releasing a big 2d mario earlier. Even mario 64 didn't sell that much in Japan, and there was only a few games available at launch. NSMB wii has already outsold SM64 in japan.

Whoever decided to go strictly 3D for Mario is clearly now fired. Whoever pitched the idea of NSMB on the DS needs a huge raise.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229