cool, a poop thread
pooping at work sucks

d21lewis said: Seriously, this is getting ridiculous. -I get ready for work. I shave, brush my teeth, take a shower, iron my clothes, splash on some cologne, and feel like a movie star. Out of nowhere, I have to take a poop. I feel dirty all day. -I'm playing a video game and I get to the awesome, unskippable cutscene. I have to take a poop. I miss the cutscene. -Several months ago, I was out with a hot girl. She has the idea that she wants to do it in the car. I have to poop. She changes her mind. -To a lesser extent, I have the house to myself. I plan to spend some time "getting to know myself". Out of nowhere, I have to poop. -I go out to dinner and then, later to a mall or something. There's no bathroom around or the bathroom that I do find has a bunch of super models (as close as I'm going to find, anyway) standing outside of it. I have to poop. I don't want women to know I do that! -Sometimes, I poop. Then I go on a long roadtrip. I have to poop again!! WTF? If there was poop in there, it should have come out with the rest of the poop, right?
Why does that asshole hate me? Does he not realize the embarrassment and self consciousness he causes me? Does he not realize that we're a team? If I poop on myself, he suffers the consequences too! But no. He doesn't care. He continues to pick the most inopportune times to make his move. I hate that asshole.
*this thread was intended for "the secret forums* but I can't find them anymore. |
"I think that I don't think."
- Soli Deo Gloria -
The FUTURE is the FUTURE. Now... B_E_L_I_E_V_E!
For the last couple of years, I've been pretending that nobody but me poops (because the thought of other people pooping is disgusting).
Then I entered this thread again and read about Soriku's pooping habits.
Seriously, ya guys...
I love pooping at work. It's such an awesome break from the usual things... you can just fully relax and not mind anything!
The Doctor will see you now
Promoting Lesbianism -->
MontanaHatchet said: For the last couple of years, I've been pretending that nobody but me poops (because the thought of other people pooping is disgusting). Then I entered this thread again and read about Soriku's pooping habits. Seriously, ya guys... |
I'm reading this thread while eating dinner, how about that ?
Soriku said: I almost went a week without pooping. Or was it a week? O_o |
That is so disgusting. I'm so sorry.
SHMUPGurus said:
That was the most heroic thing I've ever read. Cheers! |
That is by far the most epic thing I have ever read in my life that post> LOTR> MW2> Jesus> Orgasms> Everything else :O
Please Watch/Share this video so it gets shown in Hollywood.
When i go poop (about once a week) i feel good on the inside.
Soriku said:
It's better than going every single day. |
No. No, it really, really isn't.
Blank? Blank.