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Forums - Gaming Discussion - BioWare: JRPGs suffer from 'lack of evolution'

BioWare co-founder: JRPGs suffer from 'lack of evolution'


While up at BioWare's headquarters in Edmonton, I had the opportunity to throw some questions at company co-founders Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk. I was curious about how the duo felt about the current RPG landscape in general, and why we're seeing more and more western-style RPGs while JRPGs have, at least among North American audiences, fallen somewhat to the wayside.

"The fall of the JRPG in large part is due to a lack of evolution, a lack of progression," Zeschuk said. "They kept delivering the same thing over and over. They make the dressing better, they look prettier, but it's still the same experience.

"My favorite thing, it's funny when you still see it, but the joke of some of the dialogue systems where it asks, 'do you wanna do this or this,' and you say no. 'Do you wanna do this or this?' No. 'Do you wanna do this or this?' No. Lemme think -- you want me to say 'yes.' And that, unfortunately, really characterized the JRPG."

Zeschuk admits that there are definitely exceptions coming from the East (Demon's Souls is currently one of his favorite games), but North American definitions of role-playing have simply evolved beyond those of their counterparts on the other side of the world. "We have big debates on whether GTA is an RPG, for example. It's got all the elements, it just doesn't have the numbers. And what gamers here want is that higher depth, that higher integration of features...Mass Effect 2 is in some ways a continuation of that evolution."

I agree wholeheartedly with Dr. Zeschuk, but I no longer have any patience for JRPGs whatsoever (Half-Minute Hero notwithstanding, obviously). I'm curious to see what JRPG fans think of Zeschuk's stance, though. Do JRPGs really suffer from a lack of evolution?

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It's true!

I agree but they do evolve plot wise.

JRPGs = lack of innovation and rehashing the same storyline over and over. The story remains the same but the characters, gameplay and environments changes. Oh yeah the graphics are improved.
Besides: Final Fantasy series, Dragon's Quest series and Pokemon series. The quality of JRPGs are very mediocre.
Bioware would obviously say this about JRPGs. Bioware are one of the leading developers of WRPGs including Mass Effect, Star Wars: KOTOR and Dragons Age.

"My favorite thing, it's funny when you still see it, but the joke of some of the dialogue systems where it asks, 'do you wanna do this or this,' and you say no. 'Do you wanna do this or this?' No. 'Do you wanna do this or this?' No. Lemme think -- you want me to say 'yes.' And that, unfortunately, really characterized the JRPG."

HAHA, best lines here.

Overall, I agree, it really feels like the same experience over and over and over. I don't feel like I've gotten anything new from a JRPG in a while. This is generally speaking, since some games are obviously exceptions, but when I think JRPG, the first thing I think of is Square-Enix, and all their games have a similar 'taste' or 'feel'.

That said, FF13 is one of the my 3 'most-have' games of 2010 (along with ME2 and Reach). I still hope it'll be something a little more though.

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"We have big debates on whether GTA is an RPG, for example. It's got all the elements, it just doesn't have the numbers"

WTF? You know... when I first saw ME... I thought it was a shooter, now I see this line. I'm confused. At this point, I'm just gonna think that BioWare doesn't create my type of RPG's... [DragonAge looked pretty dull and simple to me.]

4 ≈ One

They haven't played any Shin Megami Tensei games  have they?

And 'lack of evolution'? Bethesda's WRPGs are guilty of that as well

FF games have all felt different, particularly since VII. XII especialy was a change of pace. Then there are JRPGs like Kingdom Hearts which play totally different. I mean, Dragon Age feels quite a bit like KOTOR and NWN in some respects. Bioware's got a formula they stick to in a lot of their games.

I still find them fun, so i don't have any complaints.

Currently own: PC (duh), SNES, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP.


well it depends.

FF reinvents itself with each game.

and they are going mass effect 2 which it's practically the same star trek story with guns-

The story remains the same but the characters, gameplay and environments changes. Oh yeah the graphics are improved.


Actually I think only the graphics improve.The rest doesn't change: there's always a little annoying girl, there's always a bad guy that becomes member of your party, kids saving the world, a pet, among others.

But war... war never changes