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"My favorite thing, it's funny when you still see it, but the joke of some of the dialogue systems where it asks, 'do you wanna do this or this,' and you say no. 'Do you wanna do this or this?' No. 'Do you wanna do this or this?' No. Lemme think -- you want me to say 'yes.' And that, unfortunately, really characterized the JRPG."

HAHA, best lines here.

Overall, I agree, it really feels like the same experience over and over and over. I don't feel like I've gotten anything new from a JRPG in a while. This is generally speaking, since some games are obviously exceptions, but when I think JRPG, the first thing I think of is Square-Enix, and all their games have a similar 'taste' or 'feel'.

That said, FF13 is one of the my 3 'most-have' games of 2010 (along with ME2 and Reach). I still hope it'll be something a little more though.