[quote]sgstair said: Stromprophet said: WII SALES ARE NOT LIMITED BY SUPPLY! HELLO! All you guys are being ridiculous. In NA January to February sales went from 450k to 350k...did Nintendo just produce 100k less consoles? Japan, January 450k for the month, February 303k, 150k less. I'm sorry, eithwer Nintendo is making less and purposely supply constraining the system or you all are being insane. It's obvious they are selling less than they were (which you would expect off holiday). So increasing the supply will not garner new sales because it's not in supply shortage. You can get a Wii online. I have seen them sitting on shelves for the last month. Sure, they are selling out, but point being it wasn't impossible to find one 2 months ago if you knew what you were doing. No, sales were down due to supply not demand and that can clearly be seen in Japan's March sales. Lets look at Wii sales over the last 4 weeks where no significant games were released. Those sales are very unpredictable, random, and obviously supply constrained. Wii 03/04/07 62,000 1,807,000 Wii 03/11/07 49,000 1,856,000 Wii 03/18/07 69,750 1,925,750 Wii 03/25/07 77,250 2,003,000 Now lets look at PS3 sales after the launch hype cooled down and it settled at around 20,000. That little sales spike to 24,000 was when VF5 was released. The spike to 46,000 was because of Gundam Musou. Notice how the sales are very predictable and always seem to settle around 21-20,000 units when there are no new significant games. 12 PS3 01/28/07 21,000 623,250 13 PS3 02/04/07 20,250 643,500 14 PS3 02/11/07 24,000 667,500 15 PS3 02/18/07 21,250 688,750 16 PS3 02/25/07 21,000 709,750 17 PS3 03/04/07 46,750 756,500 18 PS3 03/11/07 30,500 787,000 19 PS3 03/18/07 22,250 809,250 20 PS3 03/25/07 21,750 831,000 I think over the next few weeks we're gonna see the supply restraints released though as Paper Mario and Big Brain academy around coming out.
currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X