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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN N-Podcast 60 and Summary - How Wii doesn't even compare to Current Gen.

What exactly did Miyamoto say in reference to NSMBW? If he said something along the lines of "it would be impossible to implement online multiplayer into this title", then it's possible he meant, "it would be impossible to implement online multiplayer on an acceptable level", and that any possible online mode would've hindered the gameplay to such a degree that he did not allow it to be implemented, where as in the cases of Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros., the decision to add multiplayer rested on the hands on others (Sakurai, in the case of SSBB), and they felt the trade offs were worth it (though in the case of SSBB, I question that decision).

That being said, I would hope Nintendo of all companies could get a 2D platformer running relatively lag free online for a majority of players. But then, Miyamoto does have fairly high standards, so I could see him of all people choosing not to go this route.

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Khuutra said:
He probably didn't want to find out: it was probably presented to him by the technical team. Or something. I don't know. Coming up with scenarios for it feels dishonest for me, because I'm only making shots in the dark.

I just have trouble disbelieving him out of hand.

I can agree with this, which is where my original position comes in. Trying to get online to work effectively proved to be impossible. I could see it being presented to him, but I can also see it as a feature that was never fully explored. When someone as in charge as Miyamoto dislikes the idea of a feature in a game you can bet it won't get a lot of work put in to trying to implement it. I agree that coming up with various scenarios is a bit dishonest, but given the counter-intuitive nature of the claim it seems the only way to try and actually understand what is going on behind the scenes.

Considering I have put that in almost all of my replies to you, and only now do you address it I would say you are absolutely evading it. The reason he most likely didn't do the programming is because he works the design aspects. I am not fully aware of the exact structure in Nintendo, but it would be the only studio I have heard of that has someone being a prominent figure in both aspects. Logically it doesn't make sense.

If it was reported to him then it is, at best, second hand knowledge. This could mean he mis-interpreted what was said, or did not accurately convey the message in the interview. When you require as much evidence as you can provide I will entertain your argument again. Until then there is no point in trying to discuss a point when you have less than no interest in actually entertaining both sides of the debate.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

makingmusic476 said:

That being said, I would hope Nintendo of all companies could get a 2D platformer running relatively lag free online for a majority of players. But then, Miyamoto does have fairly high standards, so I could see him of all people choosing not to go this route.

Nintendo is not exactly great at online. It is not an area they have spent a lot of time on. Very small latency errors could have a bubble in the path of a jump on one screen, but not the other. This could easily cause an unavoidable death. I would very much hope Miyamoto would regard this as unacceptable. I am 99% certain that the people behind the Super Skill videos absolutely would find this unacceptable. It is known that their input carried at least some weight in regards to level design, so related areas is not hard to imagine either.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Siko1989 said:
Soma said:
Siko1989 said:
you know the nintendo seal of quality? thats changed at the moment, i mean nintendo are letting 3rd party's put shovelware on there machine so they can gain there 3rd party support again and thats fine by me.. nintendo had a love/hate relationship with 3rd party's in the past so nintendo are trying to change that, i thought most of you would be happy that nintendo is trying to gain that support again?


Are you saying the Nes and Snes didn't had shovelware??????

well i know the nes but i dont know about the snes becaus ei never owned one

Yes, it got tons of shovelware, as every successful console. The Nintendo Seal of Quality was more related with the game running correctly on the system, not much about it being fun. For that Nintendo limited third parties to just 5 (or something like that) games per year.


On Topic, Wow, wasn't this about IGN podcast? Anyway, of course the Wii can handle Mario bros online, and games like Modern Warfare, The Conduit, Mario Kart, Medal of Honor are prove of that. What I'm thinking is that after the terrible online of Smash Bros, Nintendo just tried to avoid it. The minimum lag in this game would be a disaster so they better didn't implement it..... but of course it's possible for the Wii to handle it.

Castlevania Judgment FC:     1161 - 3389 - 1512

3DS Friend Code:   3480-2746-6289

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lol@people bickering over NSMBWii online

Any sort of lag whatsoever would completely ruin the game. That's why they didn't do it.

Wii/PC/DS Lite/PSP-2000 owner, shameless Nintendo and AMD fanboy.

My comp, as shown to the right (click for fullsize pic)

CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 1090T @ 3.2 GHz
Video Card: XFX 1 GB Radeon HD 5870
Memory: 8 GB A-Data DDR3-1600
Motherboard: ASUS M4A89GTD Pro/USB3
Primary Storage: OCZ Vertex 120 GB
Case: Cooler Master HAF-932
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Extra Storage: WD Caviar Black 640 GB,
WD Caviar Black 750 GB, WD Caviar Black 1 TB
Display: Triple ASUS 25.5" 1920x1200 monitors
Sound: HT Omega Striker 7.1 sound card,
Logitech X-540 5.1 speakers
Input: Logitech G5 mouse,
Microsoft Comfort Curve 2000 keyboard
Wii Friend Code: 2772 8804 2626 5138 Steam: jefforange89
Around the Network
Gnizmo said:
makingmusic476 said:

That being said, I would hope Nintendo of all companies could get a 2D platformer running relatively lag free online for a majority of players. But then, Miyamoto does have fairly high standards, so I could see him of all people choosing not to go this route.

Nintendo is not exactly great at online. It is not an area they have spent a lot of time on. Very small latency errors could have a bubble in the path of a jump on one screen, but not the other. This could easily cause an unavoidable death. I would very much hope Miyamoto would regard this as unacceptable. I am 99% certain that the people behind the Super Skill videos absolutely would find this unacceptable. It is known that their input carried at least some weight in regards to level design, so related areas is not hard to imagine either.

This is Miyamoto, and given his standards, I can understand his decision.

jefforange89 said:
lol@people bickering over NSMBWii online

Any sort of lag whatsoever would completely ruin the game. That's why they didn't do it.

I would say that if the game actually was running at a level closer to DS specs, then online would have been easy, since it certainly wouldn't be a lot of information to process.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Khuutra said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
Khuutra said:
He probably didn't want to find out: it was probably presented to him by the technical team. Or something. I don't know. Coming up with scenarios for it feels dishonest for me, because I'm only making shots in the dark.

I just have trouble disbelieving him out of hand.

Why is it so hard to believe at least the possibility he might be right? He might be lying, but I'm sick of this defacto assumption that any Wii had to have a certain look to be pushing the system.

We work within the assumptions around which a conversation is based, and dismissing notions gets us nowhere. I believe Miyamoto out of hand but when a person disbelieves or is incredulous we are better served in helping them see ways in which they might get past that incredulity

It's the dismissing of Miyamoto's word that I'm calling on.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

LordTheNightKnight said:
jefforange89 said:
lol@people bickering over NSMBWii online

Any sort of lag whatsoever would completely ruin the game. That's why they didn't do it.

I would say that if the game actually was running at a level closer to DS specs, then online would have been easy, since it certainly wouldn't be a lot of information to process.

Yes, but there's also the fact that some people have shit internet connections, you can end up with high pings, and so on.

The real limiting factor would be internet connections for it having online, not the Wii hardware itself.

Wii/PC/DS Lite/PSP-2000 owner, shameless Nintendo and AMD fanboy.

My comp, as shown to the right (click for fullsize pic)

CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 1090T @ 3.2 GHz
Video Card: XFX 1 GB Radeon HD 5870
Memory: 8 GB A-Data DDR3-1600
Motherboard: ASUS M4A89GTD Pro/USB3
Primary Storage: OCZ Vertex 120 GB
Case: Cooler Master HAF-932
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Extra Storage: WD Caviar Black 640 GB,
WD Caviar Black 750 GB, WD Caviar Black 1 TB
Display: Triple ASUS 25.5" 1920x1200 monitors
Sound: HT Omega Striker 7.1 sound card,
Logitech X-540 5.1 speakers
Input: Logitech G5 mouse,
Microsoft Comfort Curve 2000 keyboard
Wii Friend Code: 2772 8804 2626 5138 Steam: jefforange89

So, I'm not sure how much longer this thread is going to go, but if there are any folks here who are looking for a great Nintendo podcast to replace the never-all-that-fun IGN one, I'd like to suggest Radio Free Nintendo. It's funny, it's not-at-all fanboyish (all the cast have other systems too, and talk about those games at least once per episode), and the Retroactive's are AWESOME. Download the Super Metroid one in particular; I'm sure it'll make you want to listen to more.