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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The official Endless Ocean: Blue world thread of pure Joy and Awesomeness

Gamerace said:
BrainBoxLtd said:
Gamerace said:
While we're at it, there's a couple fish (fanfin and some pryamid headed worm in the abyss) I can't get info on. No amount of petting, poking or feeding gets them to identify. Thoughts?

Draw some stuff with the underwater pen, a few fish only respond to that. If you don't have the underwater pen yet, you get it impressing a client during one your dives as a hired guide.

EDIT: You don't have to outline them with the pen, just entertain the fish by drawing anything.

The fish can see the pen markings?  I just assumed it was there for online use.  Well, that makes some sense then.  Thanks.

Yeah, I think it's got something to do with the fact it's dark in the abyss, so I guess the pen markings like enthrall them or something because they're not used to bright stuff. It's still silly, that's why I couldn't figure it out back then and had to resort to a guide.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


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Gamerace said:
BrainBoxLtd said:
Gamerace said:
While we're at it, there's a couple fish (fanfin and some pryamid headed worm in the abyss) I can't get info on. No amount of petting, poking or feeding gets them to identify. Thoughts?

Draw some stuff with the underwater pen, a few fish only respond to that. If you don't have the underwater pen yet, you get it impressing a client during one your dives as a hired guide.

EDIT: You don't have to outline them with the pen, just entertain the fish by drawing anything.

The fish can see the pen markings?  I just assumed it was there for online use.  Well, that makes some sense then.  Thanks.

Yes the Fanfin and the eel (Pelican eel I think) are deep sea creatures and they thus respond to bright colours, I had a lot of trouble with them myself, I think I asked someone on here how to do it, may have been Rol or Chrizum who I had an online dive with.

The pen is meant to be real. Whether there is such a thing I don't know, but I think it would be possible (perhaps not as neat as in the game though) I imagine there is a way of having an ink that tries to stay in contact with itself (like something viscous and elastic), and can be squeezed out to make lines underwater. If there is such a thing inreal life I don't think it would last long though as the water currents would move it about.


There are some other creatures that repond better to things that are not the standard poke/rub/prod and feed.... all the underwater mammals respond well to the whistle.
Also some things certainly don't like you coming back immediately to them, the last fish (multicolour rainbowfin) I was trying other things like using colour, or trying to get the male and female versions to interact as it wasn't letting me have the second bit of info.... but I advanced time by a day and they respond pretty quickly.

Gamerace said:
While we're at it, there's a couple fish (fanfin and some pryamid headed worm in the abyss) I can't get info on. No amount of petting, poking or feeding gets them to identify. Thoughts?

Use the blue ink pen. Red won't work in the Abyss; red light is invisible in the pitch-black depths. Blue is used with bioluminescence with animals in the Abyss. Some squid in the Abyss use blue bioluminescent ink in conjunction with their own blue body glow to make the predator think that they got the squid when it's the blue ink. While the squid shuts off its own bioluminescence so it won't distract the predator during its attack. Therefore, more animals are attracted to bright blue objects in the Abyss. You might want to watch Blue Planet: Seas of Life - The Abyss.

My copy of the game got delayed by the store I ordered it from, now I won't be getting it until tomorrow, darn it all!!

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046

Around the Network
rastari said:

Lol, definitely someone who clearly has no idea what Endless Ocean is al about, and who, on top of that, seems to be biased towards HD consoles. Complaining about the graphics and pacing of the game. This is not some action game. It's supposed to be realistic and slow-paced. That's what diving is like.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


Cheebee said:
rastari said:

Lol, definitely someone who clearly has no idea what Endless Ocean is al about, and who, on top of that, seems to be biased towards HD consoles. Complaining about the graphics and pacing of the game. This is not some action game. It's supposed to be realistic and slow-paced. That's what diving is like.

This is why so many reviewers simple fail.   By his own testimony he scored it so low because he didn't like it and it didn't have HD graphics.

'I gave it a good old go but didn't enjoy it, for the reasons outlined above - I can't pretend that I did.'

While it's fine that he didn't enjoy it, not everyone enjoys Fire Emblem either, doesn't stop it from being an awesome game.  Reviewers have an obligation to review a game for what it is and not's what it is - their personal tastes shouldn't factor into it.   It isn't a PS3 game, nor is it an action piece.  For what it sets out to do, on the system it's on, it does it masterfully, at least according to all other accounts.

This review is like having a 8 year old girl review God of War III and telling you it's utter crap.


Gamerace said:
Cheebee said:
rastari said:

Lol, definitely someone who clearly has no idea what Endless Ocean is al about, and who, on top of that, seems to be biased towards HD consoles. Complaining about the graphics and pacing of the game. This is not some action game. It's supposed to be realistic and slow-paced. That's what diving is like.

This is why so many reviewers simple fail.   By his own testimony he scored it so low because he didn't like it and it didn't have HD graphics.

'I gave it a good old go but didn't enjoy it, for the reasons outlined above - I can't pretend that I did.'

While it's fine that he didn't enjoy it, not everyone enjoys Fire Emblem either, doesn't stop it from being an awesome game.  Reviewers have an obligation to review a game for what it is and not's what it is - their personal tastes shouldn't factor into it.   It isn't a PS3 game, nor is it an action piece.  For what it sets out to do, on the system it's on, it does it masterfully, at least according to all other accounts.

This review is like having a 8 year old girl review God of War III and telling you it's utter crap.

I agree with you, totally. 'Professional' reviewers should be objective and unbiased, and this guy's definitely neither.

He actually compares EO2's graphics to a PS3 game. Well of course that would look better! Of course HD graphics would be most welcome, and of course the game would benefit from better graphics! Most games would. PS3 games could look better too, if they'd run on hardware that's like 10x more powerful. Why not compare it to similar games, like, say, EO 1?

And the fact that he didn't enjoy the game's slow pace and therefore scored it low is totally silly, because the slow-paced gameplay is the whole point of EO. He may not like it and that's fine, but the game's supposed to be slow-paced and not action-oriented. The controls are supposed to be simple. It's a game that simulates diving. Don't slam a game because it does what it's supposed to. Realistic diving is not about about battling huge sea monsters, figting, fast-paced action scenes or anything like that. By this guy's logic games like Harvest Moon would be terrible because they don't feature exploding spacestations. Or something. Now, if Arika had set out to make EO2 an underwater hardcore fantasy action-adventure or something, his point about the gameplay would be valid. But they didn't, so he's just... awkward.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


Yay, I have the game! It looks beautiful, much better than the first (which already looked good). Controls are unchanged. except you can use a CC, but I think the Wiimote is better suited for this game.

It has much more story this time around though. The beginning is extremely slow. Also, I haven't found a way to choose the exact spot where I want to dive, which annoys me a bit (but just a bit), but you can travel around the Earth diving in all the oceans, seas and many rivers.

You cannot cuddle fishes anymore. No big loss there.

All in all, the game is improved graphically, has a heavier focus on story, is much more expansive and feature-packed. And it's still only €30, so if you're interested in this type of game, pick it up!

Chrizum said:
Yay, I have the game! It looks beautiful, much better than the first (which already looked good). Controls are unchanged. except you can use a CC, but I think the Wiimote is better suited for this game.

It has much more story this time around though. The beginning is extremely slow. Also, I haven't found a way to choose the exact spot where I want to dive, which annoys me a bit (but just a bit), but you can travel around the Earth diving in all the oceans, seas and many rivers.

You cannot cuddle fishes anymore. No big loss there.

All in all, the game is improved graphically, has a heavier focus on story, is much more expansive and feature-packed. And it's still only €30, so if you're interested in this type of game, pick it up!

Wha?  No fish molestation?  That's 90% of the gameplay in the first, wagging my wiimote joyfully while trying to entice fish to reveal themselves to me.  Yeah, know what?  I won't miss that either.

Do you still get the info in pieces (so you need to check out each fish 3 or more times) or does it give you all the info at once now?