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Gamerace said:
While we're at it, there's a couple fish (fanfin and some pryamid headed worm in the abyss) I can't get info on. No amount of petting, poking or feeding gets them to identify. Thoughts?

Use the blue ink pen. Red won't work in the Abyss; red light is invisible in the pitch-black depths. Blue is used with bioluminescence with animals in the Abyss. Some squid in the Abyss use blue bioluminescent ink in conjunction with their own blue body glow to make the predator think that they got the squid when it's the blue ink. While the squid shuts off its own bioluminescence so it won't distract the predator during its attack. Therefore, more animals are attracted to bright blue objects in the Abyss. You might want to watch Blue Planet: Seas of Life - The Abyss.