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Forums - Sales Discussion - Do you predict a tight race between 360 and PS3 next year?


Japan could fall to MS with the Xbox720 and USA could fall to Sony with the PS4 nothing is certain in the console market and nobody was ever able to predict the market in the distant future. Most people fail on every prediciton if a gen is dominated by a console like the PS2 its easier to predict but every new gen is a fresh start from the beginning and everything can change. Your friends would buy the console which provides them with the things they want.

The difference between Sony and Microsoft consoles is so small that the audience could shift either way. It all depends on marketing price and software (and innovation since this gen)

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Hus said:
tuscaniman said:

I don't think its too early to call it. I don't know where you live but here Indianapolis, IN USA Xbox is king.  No  its not the biggest market (12th largest city in US) but I know how I see it. I would assume most if not all PS3 owners here were previous PS2 owners and want to stay with their familiar system, but I also know the 360 shifted alot from the PS2 market to the 360 brand. I see some of the PS3 owners shifting to the '720' market next year. Its has in some way become 'America's console' the way the Japanese embrace Sony.

I see no PS3 owners jumping to the next xbox.  Reason being Sony's far superior 1st party games will keep them loyal and xbox reputation for awefull quality will keep them away.   Also Ps3 owners will not be willing to PAY for online, they are used to it being free.

With out a early release and big price advantage the next xbox/PS will be PS2/xbox all over agian. 

YAhh sure they will embrace it, the way they embraced GM and Chrysler ?

Clearly you're an unbiased observer so we should all listen carefully to your thoughts.

lol, Sony's 1st party isn't keeping anyone. You can argue subjective quality until you're blue in the face, but Microsoft's 1st party lineup has been orders of magnitude more successful in recent years. For the massmarket in terms of 1st party lineups, Wii > 360 > PS3.

Hus said:
tuscaniman said:

I don't think its too early to call it. I don't know where you live but here Indianapolis, IN USA Xbox is king.  No  its not the biggest market (12th largest city in US) but I know how I see it. I would assume most if not all PS3 owners here were previous PS2 owners and want to stay with their familiar system, but I also know the 360 shifted alot from the PS2 market to the 360 brand. I see some of the PS3 owners shifting to the '720' market next year. Its has in some way become 'America's console' the way the Japanese embrace Sony.

I see no PS3 owners jumping to the next xbox.  Reason being Sony's far superior 1st party games will keep them loyal and xbox reputation for awefull quality will keep them away.   Also Ps3 owners will not be willing to PAY for online, they are used to it being free.

With out a early release and big price advantage the next xbox/PS will be PS2/xbox all over agian. 

YAhh sure they will embrace it, the way they embraced GM and Chrysler ?

You mean the same GM which is the largest car maker in the world? Or are you gonna have a comeback with how big Toyota is? Before you do that take into consideration how the millions of recalls Toyota is having at the moment with 75% of their vehicles will send them back behind GM.

You're from Canada so until your country has bragging rights over something besides maple syrup keep your ignorant comments to yourself. And I see plenty of PS3 owners jumping ship. You have this argument in your head the Xbox Live is a deal breaker in a bad way. Xbox Live is superior and anyone who can't afford $50 a year to play is not going to buy a next gen console in the first place.

Last point of post. 360's exlusive lineup of games are equal to PS3's so you have no argument there either.

CGI-Quality said:
tuscaniman said:
CGI-Quality said:
tuscaniman said:
CGI-Quality said:
tuscaniman said:
I can't say who will end up in second place (not that it matters), but I can tell you one thing. America is pro xbox now and sony will end up behind microsoft for now on. The '720' will thoroughly beat PS4 in America as well. Therefore this gen and next gen will be a tight race.

Too early to call that.

I don't think its too early to call it. I don't know where you live but here Indianapolis, IN USA Xbox is king.  No  its not the biggest market (12th largest city in US) but I know how I see it. I would assume most if not all PS3 owners here were previous PS2 owners and want to stay with their familiar system, but I also know the 360 shifted alot from the PS2 market to the 360 brand. I see some of the PS3 owners shifting to the '720' market next year. Its has in some way become 'America's console' the way the Japanese embrace Sony.

You can't come to that conclusion based on one city in the United States. Furthermore, if this gen has proven anything, it's that things can change in a heartbeat. Look at last gen, PS2 was the King, and NOTHING got close to that. Now, here we sit in the next gen, the gen where it was expected that the PS3 would rule it.The 360 rules in America for one big reason, Sony messed up in the beginning with one of the biggest factors for a purchase in the US, high price. For next gen that tiny factor will probably not be an initial issue.

These things aren't so clear cut. Sony has Japan for obvious reasons but those reasons aren't so obvious in the US however.

Alright last post on this subject. I'm not basing this on one city in the US. Do you live in the US? If you don't then any response you have is a moot point.

- I live in Raleigh, N.C. USA.

360 is double PS3 here. 360 will stay way above PS3 here and the '720' will have a huge gap on the PS4 as well. What you are failing to realize is how big a consumer base the 360 has built for its next console. PS2 dominated the Xbox, but somehow the 360 stole the market share from Sony in America. Its not magic how they did it and the same formula will be repeated for the '720' Microsoft will not relinquish America.

Do you know how far ahead the PS2 was in America than the Xbox? It wasn't even worth debating. Look what happened with the PS3.

Also the anticipation for the 360 was just as huge as the PS3 here in America.

NO! It certainly was not. PS3 had the most anticipated launch in history thanks to the PS2.

Nobody expected PS3 to dominate the 360 as the PS2 did to the Xbox. At least not here.

Again, wrong. From the beginning, people thought the PS3 would dominate (analysts & Microsoft alike). However, with the price tag and Sony's initial screw-ups, they hurt those chances themselves.

Anything else?

Seeing as your city is much smaller than mine then yes I have plenty. You seem to miss my point. 360 took market share from Sony easily and quickly. The original Xbox was a late newcomer to the console party, it had no chance. The 360 was an equal adversary to the PS3 and it showed in sales in the Americas. If you think 360 users are gonna go back to the sony side you are mistaken. And no the PS3 launch was not as huge as you make it seem. All new console launches are equally as huge these days. You don't seem to realize the power of marketing and Microsoft will be sure to make their next console launch just as huge as Sony's. America will look the same next gen.

P.S. Go Colts!

Around the Network
jarrod said:
lol, Sony's 1st party isn't keeping anyone. You can argue subjective quality until you're blue in the face, but Microsoft's 1st party lineup has been orders of magnitude more successful in recent years. For the massmarket in terms of 1st party lineups, Wii > 360 > PS3

i can only lol hard at such a joke, thank you for the great one.   



CommonMan said:

Clearly you're an unbiased observer so we should all listen carefully to your thoughts.

facts not opinion are.

Sonys game development capability is what 10 or 20 times MSs.  aka they make more games.

They own more ips.

Their exclusives are better, as CGI said according to Meta not me. 





CGI-Quality said:
jarrod said:
lol, Sony's 1st party isn't keeping anyone. You can argue subjective quality until you're blue in the face, but Microsoft's 1st party lineup has been orders of magnitude more successful in recent years. For the massmarket in terms of 1st party lineups, Wii > 360 > PS3.

Quality is different than factoring sales, and according to the "judge of quality" (Metacritic):


According to Meta, Wii and PS3 have higher ranking exclusives.

Seriously though, to me, doesn't matter either way, I still think Microsoft will win the gen. However, I think Sony's 1st Party offerings may come out on top, quality-wise.

I'm actually curious what the overall Metacritic 1st party ranking would be (not just "higher ranking" titles).  I suspect Wii would come in 3rd.


Also, "quality" is an inherent subjective, it's pure concept the way the industry defines it.  You can try to aggregate/measure it but (unlike sales figures) that measurement does reflect anything tangible in the real world.

Well, by region:

1 - Japan - Nope. Unless the Japanese go absolutely nuts over Natal then the 360 is done there now.

2 - Others - Yup. On current form PS3 should comfortably move away from 360, but MS would be mad to just sit and take that, so I expect changes

3 - US - Oh my word yes. On current trends 360 is about to get a bloody nose in its home turf. I definitely don't expect MS to take that sitting down so changes and much fighting in the mud for sure.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

badgenome said:
No. Yakuza 3 and 3D Dot Game Heroes will crush this pitiful rebellion.

lmfao... this guys hilarious!!!