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Forums - General Discussion - $198 too expensive? HD-DVD player on sale for $99 at Wal-mart

Coca-Cola said:
you get free movies with this deal?
Would I be able to purchase movies that are not out yet?
Harry Potter series is coming out late this month. That would be great.
Either way, I'm going to wal-mart tomorrow. Hope they have it in stock - I'll probably buy three or four - give it away as Christmas gifts, but I'll get the movies. (is that selfish?)

Yes, you will get the 5 free HD DVD movies with the deal. Shoot, I was able to get two free HD DVDs in-store, plus the rebate form is on the receipt. Unfortunately, I don't have a UPC because it's an open box - no - no box item. If I can snag it, sweet. I think you are limited to one 5 HD DVD offer per address and customer.

Wish you the best on getting the player. I wish I could have gotten that deal, but the one I got from Best Buy is even better - two movie, but I am missing a remote ;-(

And ... unless you go to Best Buy, you can't get the two free HD DVDs in house. However, if you buy any Toshiba HD DVD player, you will get the 5 free HD DVD mail-in movies. 

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Well, this surely should present a threat to the Blu-ray camp. I think that with this move, HD-DVD is back in the game, and may even have the upper hand in format wars.

Still, it's amazing to see BR/PS3 fanboys trying to badmouth this obviously tromendous thing for us consumers... it's totally irrevelant if HD-DVD is half-a$$ed format. The ontly revelant thing is will it sell or not. And i think it will. And if BR camp doesn't do something real quick, i would even dare to say that the format wars will soon be over.

Lower price === better sales(but not always)
Better sales === better studio support
Better studio support === win


Sorry I shouldn't have even responded originally to the post that I did which only helped derail it.

On topic I've told some relatives that already have HD sets without players about the sale they seemed interested hopefully this ups the adoption rate on it. Even if hddvd loses out hopefully the low price combined with the free movies softens the blow. I'd personally like to see them keep it up I think even with this low price they probably still make money on them just like the LCD tvs both bluray and hddvd players have previously been priced way higher than they cost to make. No matter what happens at least the war has been good for consumers in one manner or another.

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Not only is it cheaper, but now they have the largest retailer in the nation actively promoting HD-DVD. Thursday night primetime advertising is not cheap. Walmart has probably spent millions of dollars on this promotion.

If HD-DVD and Blu-ray players drop to 100 dollars this Christmas I will have to get 2... of each. I just don't understand why some people are getting upset that these players are being offered for so cheap. Don't you see, you can now go out and buy whatever movies you want and not have to worry if you can play it. People that have a PS3 can pick up this HD-DVD player for 99 dollars. Not only that but you get over 100 dollars in movies. You get your Spiderman and your Transformers.



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I will be purchasing one tomorrow. Not for myself mind you but as a present for a family member who also owns a HDTV. That said it is a little late in the year to be shopping for myself. I hope he buys me one though. I hope I get to the store before they are sold out.

For those of you faulting the "deluxe" Kubrick HD releases, they are actually widescreen versions of the films in their theatrical aspect ratios, not the 4:3 versions. Maybe do a little research into the products before dismissing them out of hand.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

.....and the winner of the next gen HD format?

HDDVD for the knockout!

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



GooseGaws said:
For those of you faulting the "deluxe" Kubrick HD releases, they are actually widescreen versions of the films in their theatrical aspect ratios, not the 4:3 versions. Maybe do a little research into the products before dismissing them out of hand.


 And in the case of 2001 and the Shining some of the best examples of how a catalog movie can look in HD.  If you haven't seen one of these films in HD I don't think there is room to bash.  They look incredible.

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection

The coolest thing? According to the ad, ALL HD DVD movies are $15 too. Time to do some major shopping ...