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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is NSMB Wii worthy of the title Game Of The Year?


NSMBW isnt even an original game its remake of the greatest game of all time 10 years from people wont even remember that game they will the better one the original


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Ramser said:

NSMBW isnt even an original game its remake of the greatest game of all time 10 years from people wont even remember that game they will the better one the original

I'll give you an A+ for an original argument. Most people argue it is a port of the DS version.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
11/03/09 Desposit: Mod Bribery (RolStoppable)  vg$ 500.00
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Avinash_Tyagi said:
^Still playing it, especially when people come over

Loved the multiplayer, lots of hilarious moments

Yep, me too :)!

Ramser said:

NSMBW isnt even an original game its remake of the greatest game of all time 10 years from people wont even remember that game they will the better one the original

Compared to the originality of....?

Ramser said:

NSMBW isnt even an original game its remake of the greatest game of all time 10 years from people wont even remember that game they will the better one the original

In that case they slapped one hell of a coat of paint on the thing, because I couldn't tell.

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well its gonna change a little its been like 20 something years since super mario bros came out


RolStoppable said:
eggs2see said:
Well ive seen a few posts from you rolstoppable, so im not sure exactly how serious everything you wrote is. But really have you played uncharted 2?

No, I haven't. But I am quite sure that isn't needed to draw the conclusions I have.

No, I don't believe NSMB Wii should win GOTY, you are crazy.

It is a fantastic game, but I believe games that deliver a bit more have been released this year.

Uncharted 2, no matter how many times you guys wanna say its overhyped or whatever, that game has set the bar HIGH for any future games. It wasn't even about gameplay or graphics for me.

I was stunned at how realistic the environment was, the attention to detail, and the recreation of the locales and the story in that game are absolutely stunning. The game delivers in almost every aspect. I hate people who bash games just because others like it. ND really put their all into that game.

If you haven't played it, please don't judge it.

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Final Fantasy Versus XIII will be the GREATEST game EVER made!!!

I'd take a bullet for Square-Enix! 


its game of the millenium for me

Its a good game It deserves some kind of award. But there are some other games which would deserve it too. But this forward function is a mistake. If someone is not able to beat the game he shouldnt have the possibility to forward it. Its just redicolous. I was a Kid and I played Super Mario World and I always tried certain passages again and again but in the end I beat it and after a while I was so good that I knew everything from the game without the Internet or Magazines.

NSMBWII is definetly NOT the best Mario Game its just not the best game. And Super Mario World was a game 19 years ago which attracted non players too. This was the only game I can think of we played together as a family. So thats nothing new 2D Mario had ALWAYS this appeal.

For me the best Marios are still Super Mario Allstars (including all Bros PLUS the Japanese version of Super mario bros aka the Lost Levels) Mario World and Mario Land 1-2 on Gameboy. And NSMBWII has nothing changed about it. After I saw the forward functionality it just saddened me because I am afraid that such stupid inventions will get more and more room in modern games.

Just to make Mario lot more casual. Mario (The platformers) were NEVER casual. They were hardcore games and then Nintendo makes such a stupid move because they think that their userbase is casual. The story in Super Mario World was so intense like a RPG but NSMBWII has just not this appeal. I dont know what they did back in the Nes and SNES/GB times but it was something different. Its still a great game ofcourse but by its OWN standards its not the best iteration of 2d marios. If you play with 4 people it gets pretty soon pretty chaotic. And this polygonal objects ? They should have completly drawed it without polygons. Still it brings back a bit the feeling of the old Marios. And its definetly one of the best Games this Generation but this year there is Uncharted 2 so it would be hard for NSMBWii to win against it.


Some might say why you critizize the skip tool. you dont have to use it. But I can remeber some times back in the days as i was a kid i would have used it pretty soon because i was impatiened like most kids out there, but this would destroy they joy after you completed the game without help. Thats an achievment as a kid and it teaches the lesson not to give up so quickly. There were certain tasks I thought they were impossible but I remembered that you just have to try again and again and again and you will make it and it worked for me my whole life.

nordlead said:
Ramser said:
Isn't strange how must of the people that say its game of the decade are the people that don't own a ps3 or a 360. NSMBW is most likely the best WII game of the year, but it cant be game of the decade because that spots already been taken, by uncharted 2

I have a PS3. Uncharted is massivly overhyped, but it is a good game. I haven't played Uncharted 2, but I expect about the same.

NSMBWii is a lot more fun, but it won't win GOTY for the 3 reasons in rol's OP. Uncharted 2 actually fufills those 3 reasons, so it will probably win.

You know, the 3 reasons in the OP dont seem much more than lame excuses, I see them as jokes given the thread is made by Rol, so I wouldnt really use them as serious reasons why NSMB wont win GOTY.