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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 SIGNIFICANTLY Outsold Xbox 360 on Black Friday!!!!!

mario64 said:
@kowenicki : yeah you must admit you were wrong again, I guess it must be humbling.

We've been called idiots for years for telling you and other deluded fanboys what is happening now :

- that PS3 would ultimately crush the 360 in sales, as it should

- that the 360 comparative "success" was mostly due to the early release and RROD forcing people buy multiple consoles

- that when you look at sales after release, year 1, year 2, well... the PS3 won every year in sales vs the 360, as it should, having by far the best exclusives. The PS3 has never ever been in danger of anything and always been in front of 360, even from year 1 after release.

Now look, we were right, what a surprise... Bu bu but... wait for NatEyeToy !!

Please I am not in your group

& your post is full of errors

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Around the Network

Wow, nice updated numbers.

Should see the PS3 around 750k for the week depending on the boost in others.


Lets see:

NA -- 500K

EU -- 200K (assuming it gets a 6% - 10% boost)

JP -- 27K



All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

@darth : I didn't talk about you or any "group". Feel free to point the "errors" and discuss.

mario64 said:

- that the 360 comparative "success" was mostly due to the early release and RROD forcing people buy multiple consoles

360 didn't really accelerate that fast, the early release gets too much credit imo.  If it'd launched in 2006 rather than 2005, it'd have comparably sold more upfront anyway (thanks to a more mature developer base and better available tech).  

I'd also be wary of stepping into "multiple console" territory given YLOD isn't exactly uncommon itself, and PS3 hasn't really surged ahead until it got a slim model revision (which itself encourages upgrading).  If anything, I'd argue RROD has done more harm than good to 360's sales.

Around the Network
darthdevidem01 said:
Lets see:

NA -- 500K

EU -- 200K (assuming it gets a 6% - 10% boost)

JP -- 27K



I guess that Others (or EU) will be near 230k.

So 750k or more.

mario64 said:
@kowenicki : yeah you must admit you were wrong again, I guess it must be humbling.

We've been called idiots for years for telling you and other deluded fanboys what is happening now :

- that PS3 would ultimately crush the 360 in sales, as it should

- that the 360 comparative "success" was mostly due to the early release and RROD forcing people buy multiple consoles

- that when you look at sales after release, year 1, year 2, well... the PS3 won every year in sales vs the 360, as it should, having by far the best exclusives. The PS3 has never ever been in danger of anything and always been in front of 360, even from year 1 after release.

Now look, we were right, what a surprise... Bu bu but... wait for NatEyeToy !!

1. Why "should" it......I mean why does PS3 deserve to crush it according to you? PS3 doesn't have a much superior library than it

2. Multiple buys after RROD aren't counted, refurbished consoles aren't counted in shipping data


PS3 has lost every year since its release, 2007 & 2008 too

here is proof:

PS3 is winning this year by a huge margin though


they were your errors

& when you say "we" I assume you mean sony supporters, but I'ma  SONY supporter & all I'm saying is I'm not in your group!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

@jarrod : a 1 year head start is a huge advantage since it had no competition as a next gen console during 1 full year.

RROD definitely helped and not hinders sales in my opinion, since a lot of people had to buy 3 to 5 consoles in a few years. The number of people who decided not to buy a 360 because of RROD is probably very weak compared to those bonus sales.

YLOD occurrence has been told to be around 5%, it's very far from the 50 to 60 % Xbox 360 failure rate reported. Making the comparison seems laughable.

I reckon:

NA - 500k

Japan - 30k

Others - 205k-220k

Total - 735k-750k

Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)

@darth :

1. Of course it has a superior library. It has every 360 multiplat, plus tons of Sony exclusives. LBP, MGS4, Valkyria, Demon Souls, Uncharted 1/2, God of war 3, Infamous, MAG, GT... No need to go further. Vs a handful of Halo / Gears exclusives. Not even close.

Sony has tons of studios, MS has a few ones, no wonder who makes the most exclusives...

2. Ah ah of course multiple buys are counted your retailer has no way of knowing who already bought a 360 when you buy another one. Or how does he magically know ?

3. Nope, it's true. Look stats on this site about aligned launches. Year 1 PS3 won, Year 2 after launch it won too. Just look earlier in this thread.

Feel free to discuss.