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@darth :

1. Of course it has a superior library. It has every 360 multiplat, plus tons of Sony exclusives. LBP, MGS4, Valkyria, Demon Souls, Uncharted 1/2, God of war 3, Infamous, MAG, GT... No need to go further. Vs a handful of Halo / Gears exclusives. Not even close.

Sony has tons of studios, MS has a few ones, no wonder who makes the most exclusives...

2. Ah ah of course multiple buys are counted your retailer has no way of knowing who already bought a 360 when you buy another one. Or how does he magically know ?

3. Nope, it's true. Look stats on this site about aligned launches. Year 1 PS3 won, Year 2 after launch it won too. Just look earlier in this thread.

Feel free to discuss.