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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Official Final Fantasy XIII Thread

To be honest...the man behind all this is PullusPardus,he put me do it,im innocent

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MetalGearSolid_4ever said:
I didn't troll it god dammit !

How many times do I have to tell you that I'm hyped for it and I just prefer GoW more ?

btw, this was just a conversation for the lulz between me and chris ! I wasn't serious about anything !

Chris was the one who dragged GoW into it !

Go make your own thread troll!

ChrisIsNotSexy said:
To be honest...the man behind all this is PullusPardus,he put me do it,im innocent

ah, damn cover is blown.

exit stage right

PullusPardus said:
ChrisIsNotSexy said:
To be honest...the man behind all this is PullusPardus,he put me do it,im innocent

ah, damn cover is blown.

exit stage right

It had to be done master,i couldnt continue any longer!

You dare to conspire against me !

In my own thread !

To drag God of War into it ?


I have been betrayed by my fellow vgchartz members.

I will go away and NEVER come back. Good bye.

MODS ! lock this thread !

Just kidding btw, you can never trust mods...

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Anyway, since already talking about GoW. If Kratos is betrayed by the Titans, than, from who we are getting the special powers? Or there woudn't be special powers?

I see that every installment they go deeper in Greek mythology, in first we were just presented for the Olympus gods, in second we were presented for the Titans, Pegasus, the sisters of fate.

Someone knows if there is another figure in greek mythology to be used? Well, I know that Chaos should be there, since the game motto is " In The end there will be only Chaos"

Lets not get off-topic for too long!



Do you believe that pre-order will stop at the 900k? It may reach the one million, the increase from each week in pre-orders should be higher, since the marketing is getting stronger while the release date approach .

Let's talk about sales a little bit, do you think this game can make 1 million in first week in NA? Counting both consoles.

Im not saying they will stop at 900k,im just saying they will be over that number.
And i think they will do at least 1 Million combined first week in NA yes

This God of War vs. Final Fantasy XIII debate is just stupid. Seriously?

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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