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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Official Final Fantasy XIII Thread

ChrisIsNotSexy said:
MetalGearSolid_4ever said:
ChrisIsNotSexy said:
MetalGearSolid_4ever said:
ChrisIsNotSexy said:
MetalGearSolid_4ever said:
ChrisIsNotSexy said:
MetalGearSolid_4ever said:
ChrisIsNotSexy said:
MetalGearSolid_4ever said:
ChrisIsNotSexy said:
RPG said:
ChrisIsNotSexy said:
GOTY 2010 2009 LOL.

DQ IX will be very hard to beat but FFXIII should take GOTY 2009. SE are really going all out with this game in Japan and are going to make a killing, the SE tax is fucking ridiculous. Best of all now that SE is done with this game it's all Versus now! If that is a Christmas 2010 release then it's the greatest year of all time.

GT5, KH:BBS, maybe Versus all in one year. :O

GOTY 2010...

that is just immature.

Nope,its just...GOTY 2010 LOL

My opinion > Your opinion

Because I say so.


How dare you challenge fake GOW fan!


Kratos > Lightning 



Chocobo ?

Seriously ? An over sized chicken vs Kratos ?

It may as well be, Ant vs Ant-eater

First, Kratos will repeatedly hammer the Chocobo's face with his Blades of Chaos and make him fall.

Next, Kratos will stab the Chocobo's underbelly, piercing its skin and move the blade in a horizontal motion so that its guts will flow out. (Similiar to what he did to the centaur).

After that, Kratos will rip the Chocobo's eyes off and grab them by the optic nerve and beat the shit out of the screaming chocobo with its own eyes ! (hybrid of what he did to the cyclops and chimera)

Then Kratos will rip its head off and use it to intimitade Lightning and co.

PS - He will engage in the sex mini-game with the dead body.



Do not go against the will of the gods Chris !

Olympus demands you surrender yourself to the one know as MetalGearSolid_4ever ! 

(Instructions of the rulers of Olympus, sent via a possessed Vgchartz member)



Cloud will be too scared of Kratos.

Kratos will stare at him angrily and Cloud will flee while screaming like a little girl.

Kratos will shoot 127983578429804298240235425245100000000000000000000000008142080999 arrows at his back by that time.

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Kratos's mission -- destroy gods of olympus

FF13 casts mission -- destroy fal'cie, gods of cocoon & pulse

FF13 cast needs to destroy 2 sets of gods, kratos just needs to deal with 1 set

FF13 > god of war 3

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:
Kratos's mission -- destroy gods of olympus

FF13 casts mission -- destroy fal'cie, gods of cocoon & pulse

These "gods" can't make individuals explode without even attacking them, right ?

Olympian set of gods > FF13 so called "gods" combined !

Therefore, Kratos faces a much difficult enemy.

FF13 cast (many people) needs to destroy 2 sets of gods, kratos (1 man) just needs to deal with 1 set

FF13 > god of war 3 - no

Besides, the GoW3 demo indicates that Kratos is betrayed by the titans.

Gods + titans >>>>>>>>>>>> FF13 "gods" (including male anatagonists who look like females)

So 1 man vs Gods + Titans against Many people vs not o godly enemies = God of war victory !




MetalGearSolid_4ever said:

darthdevidem01 said:
Kratos's mission -- destroy gods of olympus

FF13 casts mission -- destroy fal'cie, gods of cocoon & pulse

These "gods" can't make individuals explode without even attacking them, right ?

Olympian set of gods > FF13 so called "gods" combined !

Therefore, Kratos faces a much difficult enemy.

FF13 cast (many people) needs to destroy 2 sets of gods, kratos (1 man) just needs to deal with 1 set

FF13 > god of war 3 - no

Besides, the GoW3 demo indicates that Kratos is betrayed by the titans.

Gods + titans >>>>>>>>>>>> FF13 "gods" (including male anatagonists who look like females)

So 1 man vs Gods + Titans against Many people vs not o godly enemies = God of war victory !




lol whatever helps you sleep at night


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:
MetalGearSolid_4ever said:

darthdevidem01 said:
Kratos's mission -- destroy gods of olympus

FF13 casts mission -- destroy fal'cie, gods of cocoon & pulse

These "gods" can't make individuals explode without even attacking them, right ?

Olympian set of gods > FF13 so called "gods" combined !

Therefore, Kratos faces a much difficult enemy.

FF13 cast (many people) needs to destroy 2 sets of gods, kratos (1 man) just needs to deal with 1 set

FF13 > god of war 3 - no

Besides, the GoW3 demo indicates that Kratos is betrayed by the titans.

Gods + titans >>>>>>>>>>>> FF13 "gods" (including male anatagonists who look like females)

So 1 man vs Gods + Titans against Many people vs not o godly enemies = God of war victory !




lol whatever helps you sleep at night


LOL..this wasn't a serious discussion.

Both games will be awesome, I'm sure. But they are of different genres.

Can't really compare.

But I prefer God of War over FFXIII. Obviously its the other way around when it comes to you.


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btw, this is a pic I made with my extremely crap photo editing skills when I was having that argument with chrisisnotsexy. 


LOL..horribly bad editing skills, but it gets the messege through !

MetalGearSolid_4ever said:

btw, this is a pic I made with my extremely crap photo editing skills when I was having that argument with chrisisnotsexy. 


LOL..horribly bad editing skills, but it gets the messege through !

Dude...f*ck you xD

MetalGearSolid_4ever said:

btw, this is a pic I made with my extremely crap photo editing skills when I was having that argument with chrisisnotsexy. 


LOL..horribly bad editing skills, but it gets the messege through !

Light-ning head!

btw why did you make this thread if you don't like the game and keep trolling it?

I didn't troll it god dammit !

How many times do I have to tell you that I'm hyped for it and I just prefer GoW more ?

btw, this was just a conversation for the lulz between me and chris ! I wasn't serious about anything !

Chris was the one who dragged GoW into it !

OH SURE blame it on me!