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Forums - General Discussion - ‘New Moon’ Shatters Opening Day Record

SaviorX said:
Carl2291 said:
Boutros said:
Strategyking92 said:
1992 kicks all of the other years' asses. Seriously.

1991 > 1992

So true.

That is actually a mathematical fallacy.

1,992 will ALWAYS be > 1,991. You'll never win.

Mathematics? pfff


Mathematics are overrated.

Around the Network
Seece said:

Wow .... really?

R.Pattinson is so sexy though ..


Edit > Not seen either Twilight films but unless Pattinson gets butt naked in this then it doesn't deserve to beat TDK

So now its settled. I will never have sex with you! ;_;


I just got back from the theatre. Great showing, "Couples retreat" and "paranormal activity" (I went to the last one, awesome horror) were both sold out. Twilight had 50 seats left.

The Doctor will see you now  Promoting Lesbianism -->


For those who complain the movie media is better than gaming, check how uneven this scores are.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

This film will make lots and lots of money...way more then the first one... hell were I live the theatre had to double the amount of showings..

Makes me happy, the better it goes for the twilight franchise the better... lots of "butthurts" from the male teenagers

@Boutros: shes wasn't in it for very long but the few lines she had she pulled of pretty well... her eyes sure were freaky.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

Around the Network
psrock said:

For those who complain the movie media is better than gaming, check how uneven this scores are.

This site is better:

But then again the first Twilight is 49% on this site...

This doesn't suprise me at all. Titanic is the highest grossing movie of all time and that's in the same genre.

Comedies make huge money at the box office.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

amp316 said:
This doesn't suprise me at all. Titanic is the highest grossing movie of all time and that's in the same genre.

Comedies make huge money at the box office.

Yeah Titanic and New Moon are basically the same except that Titanic is an awesome movie...

twilight cost around $40m to make and made $385m,thats alot of profit so no doubt they were going to make another,

i'm surprised there is no twilight game out yet.......maybe there is

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond


Boutros said:
amp316 said:
This doesn't suprise me at all. Titanic is the highest grossing movie of all time and that's in the same genre.

Comedies make huge money at the box office.

Yeah Titanic and New Moon are basically the same except that Titanic is an awesome movie...

...maybe if you compare it to New Moon. 

Titanic was a wretched chick flick that took several liberties with history.  It also has Leonardo DiCaprio.  That's three and one half hours of my life that I'll never get back.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger