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Forums - Sony Discussion - Things I like about the PS3

I'm just going to list my personal items that I find appealing about the PS3:

1) The online games selection. Almost all of it, but particularly Flow, Everyday Shooter, Super Stardust, and the upcoming Flower and Echochrome. Really awesome stuff. REALLY. I can't emphasize enough how much I approve of this selection.

2) The UI is very aesthetically pleasing.

3) It never breaks down.

5) Little Big Planet.

6) Afrika. 

7) Blu Ray.

Those are the first things that pop in to my head -- I really just decided to do this because I had a sudden, overwhelming urge to state how impressed I am with the PS3's online offerings, and decided to make a thread in which to contain that idea. Now, someone else make this thread into a more coherent PS3-love fest, please.">">

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Afrika? Lol.

Hm...why do I like the ps3...

1. MGS
2. J&D
3. GoW
4. Blu-Ray
5. LittleBigPlanet (looks killer)
6. Way of the Samurai (very underrated series)
7. Assurance of lot's of great games because of Sony's awesome force of 1st and 2nd party devs.
8. Free online play. Unified login is all I care about.
9. Built like a rock, with a sleek outer case.
10. It can do tons of stuff, and has become my main DVD player/media center...thingy.

The reason I would not get a ps3 even if I had the money, is the overwhelming fear that the ps3 is going to flop. Not trying to flame or troll. I also dont have a hdtv.

A PS3 lovefest? That can happen on the internet? We'll see how this thread goes.

Ranked in order...

1. WHITE KNIGHT STORY (my most wanted game this gen so far)
2. Final Fantasy XIII
3. Ratchet and Clank
4. Gran Turismo
5. Reliability (I never turn it off)
6. Blu-ray (It's hard to go back to DVD sometimes)

Did I mention WHITE KNIGHT STORY - the one game that rules them all, IMO. For this, If I had to keep one console, it would be the PS3.

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."  --Hermann Goering, leading Nazi party member, at the Nuremberg War Crime Trials 


Conservatives:  Pushing for a small enough government to be a guest in your living room, or even better - your uterus.


I don't think you have to worry about any console flopping. The ps3 will have plenty of titles from Sony's 1st and 2nd party developers, and there will always be an assload of multiplats out there as well.

No console will suffer from game droughts this gen.

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FinalEvangelion said:
A PS3 lovefest? That can happen on the internet? We'll see how this thread goes.

Ranked in order...

1. WHITE KNIGHT STORY (my most wanted game this gen so far)
2. Final Fantasy XIII
3. Ratchet and Clank
4. Gran Turismo
5. Reliability (I never turn it off)
6. Blu-ray (It's hard to go back to DVD sometimes)

Did I mention WHITE KNIGHT STORY - the one game that rules them all, IMO. For this, If I had to keep one console, it would be the PS3.

Tell me about it. We finally got the 52" XBR4 yesterday, and MY GOSH, those Blu-Rays i've been buying over the past couple of months look amazing. I had heard that they don't look much better than an upscaled DVD, but when I popped in the Fellowship of the Ring(upscaled to 1080p) it looked atrocious compared to Underworld, Kingdom of heaven, and Pirates of the Carribean on Blu-Ray. It looked better than it did in 480p, but still had nothing on even the old MPEG-2 transfer of Underworld Evolution.

Why do I like PS3?

It has Final Fantasy XIII and Versus XIII. That's it, no other reason.

Reasons ill love my ps3 when i get one eventually

1.FF series
2. God of war series
3. Blue ray if it wins!
4. Quite console (wooooooooooooooo)
5. WKS
6. screw it..........all the other many franchises
7. LBP!
8. Free online!

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.

what i think is good about the ps3

- PSN Downloads (Super Stardust HD, Flow, Everyday Shooter, Echochrome)

- 2008 Releases (Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, White Knight Story, Gran Turismo 5)

- Media Functionality (Media Streaming, DVD Upscaling, BR movies, Card Reader)
- Non-Proprietary Peripherals/HD (BT Headset, standard issue 2.5in HD)
- All models (except 20gb) have integrated WiFi
- Interface is easy to navigate, simple & aesthetically pleasing.
- Consistent firmware updates add functionality & requested features.
- Online games are free (for now), have dedicated servers.
- Linux capabilities

sony has many strides to make in several areas, but despite what some people say they are doing some things right.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

1. Free online
2. Blu ray
3. Final Fantasy XIII
4. Upcoming games in 2008
5. Fave game at the moment Folklore


Edit: cool topic, there should be one for every console