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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - When was the last time you played your Wii?

New years eve. I played Mario Kart with my kids and wife, then we played NSMBwii. After they went to bed I played Resident Evil 0 for two hours and then some COD reflex.

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Yesterday. Played some NSMBwii for abouts an hour. Then Played a few hours of Reflex.

Today is more Reflex.

Playing Modern warfare reflex like crazy.

Last night. Brawl and NSMBW were on deck.

Got in some Metroid Prime Trilogy today. I am totally lost and confused. It is awesome.

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finally turned on my wii after a week, played some castlevania rebirth, and then tried to install usb loader.

Two days ago. I finally beat the seventh boss in Blaster Master. The end is near!!!

Today - Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

Why don't you make like a tree and get out of here?

Today, i just downloaded The Magic Obelisk.

Nintendo Network ID: Sherlock99

Sherlock99 said:
Today, i just downloaded The Magic Obelisk.

Ooh, how is it?