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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Reggie wants Little Big Planet, Halo, Bioshock on Wii

RolStoppable said:
naznatips said:
World > Software is sell-through Rol... it has always been.

Then why are for example Red Steel and Rayman sitting at slightly above 1m units since about half a year? They for sure should have sold at least an additional 10-20k units to raise their totals, don't you think?

And wasn't the section called world software shipments in the past? Although it has recently changed to include also games which have sold less than 1m copies.

EDIT: Whichever way it is, doesn't matter that much. The point is that MSC and BBA shipped both in excess of 1.3m units, so both games should have actual sellthroughs of at least 1m units. It's rather unrealistic that more than 300k units are sitting on store shelves.

Red Steel and Rayman likely aren't selling enough to register in VGC or NPD tracking. So yeah, they may have sold 10,000 more units. I don't remember it ever being world software shipments, but what it is currently is sell-through. You may be right about that.  Most likely the sales have been missed in Europe. MSC isn't that far from 1 million sold to consumers anyway, and it will hit that mark before the end of the year. However, the point would be that MSC and BBA are both successful games.

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konnichiwa said:
EnosStory said:
fooflexible said:
I think any system can have any game or kind of game, and I respect Sony for opening those doors, but lets face the facts Reggie is looking at commercial viability here, and he's basically saying Sony's game despite how brilliant it may be won't be nearly as successful as it could be on something like the Wii. Alot of Sony fans are not interested in it.(Please don't reply back with a, "I am!" the truth is most aren't) Yet it's the one game most Nintendo fans are jealous of. Much like Viva Pinita I respect Microsoft trying to expand their market trying to create that demand by opening up genres yet, at that point the game really didn't fit comfortably on that system and that was demonstrated by the poor sales. Loco Roco sold poorly as well. And I'm placing my bets now, LBP will also sell poorly, particularly compared to stuff like Killzone 2.

Yet even if he is right, and it does sell poorly due to being released on the ps3, then sony was still right. making this exclusive is a win/win for Sony, they either have a successful title or stopped Nintendo from having one.


WTF, LBP is one of the most hyped games on the official PS forums or PSU.

I agree with Enos on this one.

Ever went to a PS3 section of a forum? A lot of people are talking about it (maybe not at the moment) but they were for sure.

38 threads about LBP:

You can't deny that their are not so many people interested in it (and yes that is the PS3 sectiion).

Don't ever go by forums to figure out something's hype, we all know people who go to forums are seriously hardcore devoted fans, and don't represent the majority. I go to tv websites and people used to talk about shows like Veronica Mars like crazy and hated stuff like CSI, yet CSI has 20 million people watching and VM was canceled with 3.5 million viewers. says the 3 hotest shows are(according to their sites users) Heroes, Smallville, and Prison Break. Odd because those shows aren't in the top 10 and Smallville is quite close to the bottom in ratings. Here too in the forums you find people this into their system you get people who live niche titles. But seriously do you think LBP will be a million seller? People want MGS, FF, GTA, Killzone, GOW, SOCOM, those are the bigger titles on the system I don't see these people hot to trot on LBP, in fact most gamers I know that are more on the casual side have yet to hear about this game.

Be honest what do you think LBP will sell like?

Remember around the same time Soulcalibur4, DMC4, Killzone 2, Silent Hill 5,  MGS4, GTA 4,I don't see alot of people paying attention to this nifty sidscrolling game. Don't get me wrong it looks amazing, but people will be like wow that's cool! Okay give me Killzone 2. Because the larger portion of the ps3's audience is fundementally into different stuff. 

I think a lot of people do not understand what Reggie was doing when he was hinting that LBP was made for the wrong platform ...

Reggie was using "the context" of unconventional games like Little Big Planet to "Reframe" the PS3 being for Hard-Core gamers in order to make it a bad thing. This is (generally) considered good PR because Sony is now on the defensive and if the game doesn't sell particularly well (a strong possibility given the PS3's sales) they will have cast doubt in the minds of Gamers and Developers that the PS3 is a viable platform for unusual games.

The more I look at it the more likely it becomes that the games he choose were potentially designed to cast doubt on the other platforms; he choose two western developed FPS games for the XBox 360 to (potentially) draw attention to the XBox 360 as a western focused shooter-only system, and he choose a game for the PS3 which will probably have a small and devoted following.


It's nice that Reggie mentioned LBP. The game needs more exposure.

fooflexible said:
konnichiwa said:
EnosStory said:
fooflexible said:
I think any system can have any game or kind of game, and I respect Sony for opening those doors, but lets face the facts Reggie is looking at commercial viability here, and he's basically saying Sony's game despite how brilliant it may be won't be nearly as successful as it could be on something like the Wii. Alot of Sony fans are not interested in it.(Please don't reply back with a, "I am!" the truth is most aren't) Yet it's the one game most Nintendo fans are jealous of. Much like Viva Pinita I respect Microsoft trying to expand their market trying to create that demand by opening up genres yet, at that point the game really didn't fit comfortably on that system and that was demonstrated by the poor sales. Loco Roco sold poorly as well. And I'm placing my bets now, LBP will also sell poorly, particularly compared to stuff like Killzone 2.

Yet even if he is right, and it does sell poorly due to being released on the ps3, then sony was still right. making this exclusive is a win/win for Sony, they either have a successful title or stopped Nintendo from having one.


WTF, LBP is one of the most hyped games on the official PS forums or PSU.

I agree with Enos on this one.

Ever went to a PS3 section of a forum? A lot of people are talking about it (maybe not at the moment) but they were for sure.

38 threads about LBP:

You can't deny that their are not so many people interested in it (and yes that is the PS3 sectiion).

Don't ever go by forums to figure out something's hype, we all know people who go to forums are seriously hardcore devoted fans, and don't represent the majority. I go to tv websites and people used to talk about shows like Veronica Mars like crazy and hated stuff like CSI, yet CSI has 20 million people watching and VM was canceled with 3.5 million viewers. says the 3 hotest shows are(according to their sites users) Heroes, Smallville, and Prison Break. Odd because those shows aren't in the top 10 and Smallville is quite close to the bottom in ratings. Here too in the forums you find people this into their system you get people who live niche titles. But seriously do you think LBP will be a million seller? People want MGS, FF, GTA, Killzone, GOW, SOCOM, those are the bigger titles on the system I don't see these people hot to trot on LBP, in fact most gamers I know that are more on the casual side have yet to hear about this game.

Be honest what do you think LBP will sell like?

Remember around the same time Soulcalibur4, DMC4, Killzone 2, Silent Hill 5,  MGS4, GTA 4,I don't see alot of people paying attention to this nifty sidscrolling game. Don't get me wrong it looks amazing, but people will be like wow that's cool! Okay give me Killzone 2. Because the larger portion of the ps3's audience is fundementally into different stuff. 

Agreed.  Although not quite the same, Zack and Wiki shows how much something can be hyped in game forums, but not reach the regular consumer.

Smash Bros: 2363-5325-6342 

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jeez, when i joined here it seemed like a breath of fresh air after the petty mindless arguments over on maxconsole, now it seems like its the same place. Every thread goes the same way.
Its incredible. Is there a thread on here that doesnt mention Okami or if pack in games should be counted in games sales?

Mods, sort out the idiots on here before it gets any worse. 3 strikes and your out would work great.

To answer the question SOME people are asking regarding reggie's comment. I think he basically meant the average person who wants to play a title like LBP isnt the person who will spend $400-600 on a console with all its bluray bells and whistles. Simple as that.

The PS3, like the 360 is tailored largely towards the kind of games typical of the PC, action games, graphical spectacles, and the refinement, not innovation, of tried and ltrue "hardcore" genres directed specifically at the 15-20 year old male demographic.

The Wii is a console where diversity and unconventional game types can thrive, I think that was what reggie was getting at. Sure he is a bit cheeky, but he's justified in his ambition. The PS3 is not the PS2 and the PS3 will never ever be a casual console like the PS2 was in its diversity of games if by no other merit than the direction Sony is trying to push it: A hardcore graphical beast that is focused more on trying to steel the hearts of the Xbox and PC demographic than trying to maintain the diversity that was the PS and PS2.

TheBigFatJ said:

I'm glad Reggie said they wanted the games. That's a remarkably humble thing to say: they do some stuff better than us and we'd love to have that on our platform. Even when Microsoft was at their best, PR-wise, they would just say things like, "there's nothing on their platform that we couldn't live without." Which is bs, of course.

Nintendo obviously has the best first party lineup and Microsoft has the best third party support thus far. However, Nintendo's third party support is very improved this generation so far, and if sales of the Wii continue there will be a slew of top quality third party games on the system.

The fact that Reggie recognizes Nintendo has improvement to make in terms of its library suggests that Nintendo will pursue that improvement. This is a very good sign.

 After reading all the fanboy fights I come to one decent comment. I agree with this. 

While I definitely admit that Halo or Bioshock are games of very high quality, it's statements like these (or his Manhunt 2 move) that make me question if Reggie is the right man for Nintendo. Reminds me of the "SNES vs. Genesis" history, when Sega of USA's campaigns became so aggressive that the Japanese leaders of Sega didn't even talk to them anymore.

Halo is a very "un-Nintendo" game, and I'd bet that Miyamoto and Iwata hate it. Nintendo has a certain philosophy, but Reggie seems to have little understanding of it. He's simply interested in anything that sells. Halo sells big? DO WANT. He'll have them make "Super Mario Manhunt", if he thinks it will sell. On the other hand, the US market has a preference for edgier games and attitude (no offense), so maybe he IS the right man after all. 

Little big planet is a different story.

Currently playing: NSMB (Wii) 

Waiting for: Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii), The Last Story (Wii), Golden Sun (DS), Portal 2 (Wii? or OSX), Metroid: Other M (Wii), 
... and of course Zelda (Wii) 
ElRhodeo said:
While I definitely admit that Halo or Bioshock are games of very high quality, it's statements like these (or his Manhunt 2 move) that make me question if Reggie is the right man for Nintendo. Reminds me of the "SNES vs. Genesis" history, when Sega of USA's campaigns became so aggressive that the Japanese leaders of Sega didn't even talk to them anymore.

Halo is a very "un-Nintendo" game, and I'd bet that Miyamoto and Iwata hate it. Nintendo has a certain philosophy, but Reggie seems to have little understanding of it. He's simply interested in anything that sells. Halo sells big? DO WANT. He'll have them make "Super Mario Manhunt", if he thinks it will sell. On the other hand, the US market has a preference for edgier games and attitude (no offense), so maybe he IS the right man after all.

Little big planet is a different story.

The problem is that the people who buy Wiis are the people who enjoy Nintendo games.  The people who buy 360s are the people who enjoy Halo and Bioshock-type games.  Putting those style games on each other's console isn't a bad thing but expecting similar sales probably is.