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RolStoppable said:
naznatips said:
World > Software is sell-through Rol... it has always been.

Then why are for example Red Steel and Rayman sitting at slightly above 1m units since about half a year? They for sure should have sold at least an additional 10-20k units to raise their totals, don't you think?

And wasn't the section called world software shipments in the past? Although it has recently changed to include also games which have sold less than 1m copies.

EDIT: Whichever way it is, doesn't matter that much. The point is that MSC and BBA shipped both in excess of 1.3m units, so both games should have actual sellthroughs of at least 1m units. It's rather unrealistic that more than 300k units are sitting on store shelves.

Red Steel and Rayman likely aren't selling enough to register in VGC or NPD tracking. So yeah, they may have sold 10,000 more units. I don't remember it ever being world software shipments, but what it is currently is sell-through. You may be right about that.  Most likely the sales have been missed in Europe. MSC isn't that far from 1 million sold to consumers anyway, and it will hit that mark before the end of the year. However, the point would be that MSC and BBA are both successful games.