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I think a lot of people do not understand what Reggie was doing when he was hinting that LBP was made for the wrong platform ...

Reggie was using "the context" of unconventional games like Little Big Planet to "Reframe" the PS3 being for Hard-Core gamers in order to make it a bad thing. This is (generally) considered good PR because Sony is now on the defensive and if the game doesn't sell particularly well (a strong possibility given the PS3's sales) they will have cast doubt in the minds of Gamers and Developers that the PS3 is a viable platform for unusual games.

The more I look at it the more likely it becomes that the games he choose were potentially designed to cast doubt on the other platforms; he choose two western developed FPS games for the XBox 360 to (potentially) draw attention to the XBox 360 as a western focused shooter-only system, and he choose a game for the PS3 which will probably have a small and devoted following.