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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - New super mario bros Wii on metacritic.

Wii_Master said:
^^there is a simple answer to that. The gaming media is biased against Nintendo ever since the Gamecube released.

I am gonna go to the point where for me and many many people and by many i don't mean 5 i mean in million agree that no game can top mario


im sure millions agree Zelda tops Mario or COD tops Mario or GTA tops Mario or "insert popular title" tops Mario

whats your point?

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aragod said:
What is the difference between the DS and Wii version, apart from the fact that you can play it as a local co-op of 4 people?

They should've really added some map editor, I mean come on, it's not like it would be hard to make levels with this simple graphic and game mechanism. If NSMBWii come before Little Big Planet, I could forgive that, but it's almost 2010 and the game is like 3 years late.

Are you implying 2D platformer nowadays requires a level editor? And where the fuck did 3 years late come from? I thought LBP came out last year...? Don't get me wrong, NSMB Wii having a stage builder would be fantastic but honestly...if you want custom levels, take a look at Mario rom hacks.

dunno001 said:
hsrob said:
dunno001 said:
Personally, I don't care what the meta is for it. Metacritic is flawed by design. If you ask me, the best way to "fix" meta is to cut the outliers on both ends. Looking at the above (at the time of this post, there are 5 reviews), 4 of the 5 games give it at least the "average" 85, but the one low point is what drags it down. Instead, cut the outliers out, and you get a better feel for where a game should be. The 70 will be removed for being the low score, and to keep it balanced, the 96 is removed for being the high score. The remaining 3 scores create an average of 89. For games with more reviews, I'd say to cut the top 10% and the bottom 10%. It's those extreme scores that pull scores away from a more accurate thought of the reviewing public. However, it still doesn't count those that are biased toward or against something. That's something that just broke in the general review system.

I do like this idea, how many outliers should be discounted? 

My leaning is top and bottom 10%, which I mentioned. On a game with 50 reviews, it cuts out the top 5 and the bottom 5. I'm not sure if that's too many, but I really wouldn't raise the percentage any higher. I've toyed around in my head with it being 5%, but that doesn't feel like it's enough. I am rather adamant on it not being a fixed number irrelevant to the review count, though.

Oh, what I did forget to mention in my original post, is that if there is weighing on the "influence" of an individual reviewer, that needs to go away. If anything, it's those "highly influential" sites that are more likely to also be influenced by the moneyhat. Wasn't there an article that mentioned how many of the early MW2 scores were from places invited to a hotel by Activision, where the game was provided in their room? I think that speaks volumes, and wish there was an easy way to discount those reviews, but by doing that, it opens a whole new can of worms...

If you want to do that, I would suggest a statistical method.  Something like throwing out values outside +/- 2 standard deviations, or +/- 3 standard deviations.

Of course, WereKitten already explained that this would most likely just push scores higher.  The mean for most games is so high that 2 or 3 standard deviations would probably be over 100, meaning none of the scores at the top would get thrown out.

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I'm confused.

1. Reviews are broken because too many games are getting 9 and 10


2. Reviews are broken because my game didn't get a 9 and 10

which one is it?

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11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
RolStoppable said:
psrock said:
I'm confused.

1. Reviews are broken because too many games are getting 9 and 10


2. Reviews are broken because my game didn't get a 9 and 10

which one is it?

It's both.

1. implies that games which don't deserve such high scores still get them.

2. implies that games which undoubtly are deserving of such high scores don't get them.

I agree VGCHARTZ been given a lot of 9 lately.

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11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
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psrock said:
I'm confused.

1. Reviews are broken because too many games are getting 9 and 10


2. Reviews are broken because my game didn't get a 9 and 10

which one is it?

All the wii games I own have gotten amazing reviews and NSMBW has gotten lots of 9s and and a 10(it got A+ so it actually shouldn't translate to a perfect score, but that's how metacritic works =/)

Most of my wii games have over 90% on metacritic just to let you know.


The fact is a lot of these big stellar games don't deserve the reviews they're getting like GTA4... 


Try again.

Ps: I'm not a big fan of 2D games, so I doubt I'll even buy this game. Just saying And even if I will buy it then it won't be anytime soon as I have exams coming up soon and well(January)... It's a lot :(

So it isn't really "my" game. We'll have to wait for Metroid: other M and Super mario galaxy 2 for that.

Wii_Master said:
^^there is a simple answer to that. The gaming media is biased against Nintendo ever since the Gamecube released.

I am gonna go to the point where for me and many many people and by many i don't mean 5 i mean in million agree that no game can top mario

That's not true...the media have slagged off nintendo a bit lately sure but they have ALWAYS given the majority of their 1st party titles good reviews...Mario Galaxy rated almost as high as modern warefare 2 because it was a good game and progressive at the same time...

Nsmbwii is simply a good game that isn't progressive (and yes I've played in australia...had it since thursday)


Anyway, it (nsmbwii) is getting GOOD reviews, just not unanimously stellar ones...evryone seems to like it so why are people so up in arms just cos mw2 outranked it on anyone in the real world gonna give a shit?


And you're game can top mario...mario GALAXY that is!)

Metroid and zelda top Mario for me. Just saying...

Updated. Nintendo life review is in and it's a 100!

Buying in 2015: Captain toad: treasure tracker,

mario maker

new 3ds

yoshi woolly world

zelda U

majora's mask 3d

Samus Aran said:
psrock said:
I'm confused.

1. Reviews are broken because too many games are getting 9 and 10


2. Reviews are broken because my game didn't get a 9 and 10

which one is it?

All the wii games I own have gotten amazing reviews and NSMBW has gotten lots of 9s and and a 10(it got A+ so it actually shouldn't translate to a perfect score, but that's how metacritic works =/)

Most of my wii games have over 90% on metacritic just to let you know.


The fact is a lot of these big stellar games don't deserve the reviews they're getting like GTA4... 


Try again.

Ps: I'm not a big fan of 2D games, so I doubt I'll even buy this game. Just saying And even if I will buy it then it won't be anytime soon as I have exams coming up soon and well(January)... It's a lot :(

So it isn't really "my" game. We'll have to wait for Metroid: other M and Super mario galaxy 2 for that.

So, the review system is fine for given the Wii games you like 9's and 10's , but the review system is also broken for given games on other system which you deemed stellar 9's and 10 as well?

How many Wii games do you own?

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11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)