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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - New super mario bros Wii on metacritic.

Wii_Master said:
^^Which refers to NSMBWii but according to them it doesn't so they r stupid and fuck them

Which refers to NSMBWii in your opinion. I'm sure it will in my opinion as well, but clearly not in theirs.

Also, you better calm down. Your age is showing.

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Lets be a nerd for a second shall we!!!

Thats ageism

*turns of nerd*


I meant nerdness


Running around in threads saying that various people (although not posters, thank god) are stupid and fuck them is pretty offensive and I hope for your sake you don't keep it up or you might see a ban. Not sure exactly what the rules say about stuff like that.

the problem is nsmb wii will outsell every game edge gives a 10 to, and more will love this game than those ganes rated as a 10.

come try out the computer game i've been working on for my high school senior project, titled sling ball.

you can view a few screenshots from the game in my photo album here;

yes, this is vonboy's alt account. i can't log into my original account, and i'm not sure if i will ever be able to.

Proud Member of the Official Yoshi Fan Club!.

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i know i am not swearing at anyone here just saying my opinions towards companies


vonboysp said:
the problem is nsmb wii will outsell every game edge gives a 10 to, and more will love this game than those ganes rated as a 10.

That doesn't make it a better game. More people will love Transformers than people will love Requiem for a Dream, I'm sure, but I think it's clear which is the better work as a film.

I'm not saying that NSMBWii won't be fantastic, because I believe it will, but popularity does not always equal quality.

I never actually saw Edge as harsh, but I always thought they were somewhat biased. There have been times where its the contrary. They do seem to have some animosity to Xbox and PC games, but on most times, they are just plain harsh.

Also, 7/10 is not a bad score. Personally, with Edge's taste in what a game truly is (Shooting, action, multiplayer and unlockables), I expected lower.

I do hope this game gets at least an 87 on Metacritic.

This is the true definition of owning.

mhm someone probably has an alternate account and is using this one to get rid of it..

I will find gballzack.. she is someone..

anyhow, edge always scores harshly with every game, same with eurogamer.



We just need to wait for the other reviews to come in to scale it up. On most games on metacritic there is that one or two reviews where everyone else is 90 and they are 40-50. Those are usually the bias ones.
For instance on the New Play Control games you can look at the comments and several of them say "This game is crap because it doesn't offer any new content!!!111!!1." The original game might've gotten a 95 whereas they give this one a 40. That is a bias statement because the game is called New Play Control. Its not a ground up re-make with new content.
If they were giving it a 40 because they thought the new controls sucked, then it wouldn't be bias.

EDIT: This post not so much directed at EDGE, as what others have said about their point system makes sense. More directed at others who give a Game of the Year a 40% or something.