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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - New super mario bros Wii on metacritic.

BladeOfGod said:
its not ridiculous. maybe HD graphics actually matter to lot of people which is why over 59 million people bought HD consoles?

so what no one owns more than ONE console then?  hell my dad owns both 360 and ps3, and i'm sure many other people own both as well.


plus as with my dad, there are probably others that own them for not their gaming, especially ps3 cause blu ray.  my parents don't own a single game for either system.  So no there are not 59 million people htat own an hd console.  there are poeple who own both, and there are many rebuys, from broken to just upgrading to the many differnet models.


but yea technology reviewers are bullshit, all they care about is the newest high tech super cool in concept thing.  I bet in a couple year and beyond mario game will still be played all the time and treasured by many, and mw2 will be sitting in gamestops or the bottom of peoples games pile.    Its hilarious how so many of these games, especially shooters it seems that lasting appeal is like a guaranteed 9+.  yet its thrown to teh side as soon as the next carbon copy shooter comes out a few months later

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it says 59 million HD consoles are sold. 33 million 360's and 26 million PS3's. i dont know how many people bought both HD consoles. it can be 100 people or it can be 10 000 000 people. until we find that out, 59 million people bought HD consoles

BladeOfGod said:
it says 59 million HD consoles are sold. 33 million 360's and 26 million PS3's. i dont know how many people bought both HD consoles. it can be 100 people or it can be 10 000 000 people. until we find that out, 59 million people bought HD consoles

ok then there are 140 million(PS2) + 100 million(PS1) + 50 million(Wii) + and so on of all non HD consoles of people that don't like HD gaming.


Heck 1 person could have upgraded or have an HD system or 10,000,000, but until we find that out, there are over 500 million people that don't like HD gaming

HD consoles existed in PS1 and PS2 era?

Wii_Master said:
^^Which refers to NSMBWii but according to them it doesn't so they r stupid and fuck them

i really really hope your joking cos otherwise you osund like some very sad and desperate fanboy

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BladeOfGod said:
HD consoles existed in PS1 and PS2 era?

Ok then how about 140(PS2) + 30(GC) + 30 (Xbox)  (rough estimates).  So that is 200 million non HD game system owners last generation.  You said there are 58 million HD owners.  So 142 million people dont' believe HD is important, vs 58 million people that do.


And to be an ass like you then we don't know if any of those last generation owners upgraded at all, so we have to assume 200 million people don't like HD and are fine with their non HD game, or even higher 250 milion counting the inferior Wii owners too, cause god forbide we can't assume anyone owns more than one without proof.

BladeOfGod said:
this thread is about NSMB Wii and there is no need to bring other games into this thread

Except this thread is also about reviews.  Some people happen to think that the system is broken and are using MW2 to illustrate their point.   

Smash Bros: 2363-5325-6342 

I love IGNs review. They keep going back and forth from 'its classic mario and awesome' to 'it doesn't do anything new and feels bland'. Yet they give it an 8.9, the same score they gave Muramasa, a game they gave GLOWING reviews to.

Ah, inconsistency.

BladeOfGod said:
also, some fanboys here should stop hating on MW2 just because it got better reviews than NSMB Wii

People are just pointing out MW2 because its just the latest example in a long line of 'HD' games which get upscored because they have better graphics and are on PS3 or 360 while Wii games get downscored because they have 'inferior graphics' and are on the Wii.  Its been going on ever since this gen started and you can claim its because the game is better, but its really just an extention of the console wars which even the reviewers and game developers are playing.

Sure, Uncharted and MW2 are probably great games, but it doesn't change the fact that reviewers put on rosy colored glasses when reviewing them while they pull out their magnifying glasses to review Wii and DS games.


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68soul said:

Now, what's annoying in many reviews, is that a Nintendo game may get slashed for being "too much of the same" (even after nearly two decades without any sequel), while most HD titles will never receive such critics, just because this year's episode is supposed to look better than the past episodes... there's a kind of double standard in the way games are reviewed these days, and that's becoming a problem... for those who still care about most critics opinions...

Great post.  This part was really spot on.

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well, maybe, just MAYBE MW2 is NOT OVERRATED and it DESERVES the scores it gets, and IT IS AN IMPROVEMENT over COD 4. Have you ever thought of that??? Have you ever thought that lots of HD games are getting good scores NOT because of graphics but because of other important things???