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I love IGNs review. They keep going back and forth from 'its classic mario and awesome' to 'it doesn't do anything new and feels bland'. Yet they give it an 8.9, the same score they gave Muramasa, a game they gave GLOWING reviews to.

Ah, inconsistency.

BladeOfGod said:
also, some fanboys here should stop hating on MW2 just because it got better reviews than NSMB Wii

People are just pointing out MW2 because its just the latest example in a long line of 'HD' games which get upscored because they have better graphics and are on PS3 or 360 while Wii games get downscored because they have 'inferior graphics' and are on the Wii.  Its been going on ever since this gen started and you can claim its because the game is better, but its really just an extention of the console wars which even the reviewers and game developers are playing.

Sure, Uncharted and MW2 are probably great games, but it doesn't change the fact that reviewers put on rosy colored glasses when reviewing them while they pull out their magnifying glasses to review Wii and DS games.


Six upcoming games you should look into: