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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Iwata: Wii isn't in a healthy situation we need to recover momentum

^^ummmm what are u talkin abt :S

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Ail said:
maykissthebride said:
Chrizum said:
Nintendo is coming with kick-ass games soon enough. Now they need to convince third parties to make kick-ass game for the Wii.

Yeah well, the clock is ticking. I cant see no kick-ass nintendo games in the near future.

Galaxy 2 and Metroid M still dosent have a release date.

And the clock still ticking

Err Metroid Prime Corruption sold 70k in Japan...

So that's not the kick ass Nintendo software that will boost sales...

But it wasn't developed by TEAM NINJA!!!

I don't know why Iwata is saying that.. maybe he wants to cause the false idea that they ran out of options.
They have a lot of cards to play: New Wii colors, a lot of games and franchises to be explored...etc.
Great software takes time to be developed. Even with a big team.

Formação do indíviduo, transformação da sociedade.

Iwata is being quite negative about the state of their console lately... kinda weird to be THIS negative, but at least he's being honest and not talking bull and acting like everything is peachy.

i hope he's talking like this cuz he has something nice up his sleeve n_n

/wishful thinking

I think he is being negative primarily about Japan, which is not without cause. When Nintendo comments it's often specifically in reference to their home market, they take alot of pride in performing well in their home market.

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The Wii's sales in Japan have been the worst percentage out of their worldwide total since the GC. Everywhere else, (especially Europe) they have been selling software and hardware better than ever, but Japan is abysmal, especially on the software side of sales.

I'm frankly tired of Iwata's TALK. Let's see something DONE. Where's Monado, Cosmic Walker, Dynamic Slash? Where's Zelda, Pikmin, Star Fox, F-Zero, Pilotwings? All the competitors are blitzing to win customers over and Nintendo is traveling at a snail's pace. The worst thing you can do is come out at a full sprint and then COMPLETELY STOP halfway to the finish line, because most likely you will trip and fall.

Some 3rd parties have treated Ninty like trash too, so I don't care if they fail. Make a game with a concept people can comfortably accept and your game will sell. No games about bugs, no games without colors, no games under 7 hours, no games with excessive waggle, no games in oversaturated markets, no spin-offs, just a fucking good game. Shit, last-gen I figure people knew how to make these things.

Pissin me off.......

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

"I'm frankly tired of Iwata's TALK."

Wait. He's been admitting they did something wrong and need to fix it so often you got sick of it? Last I checked this is just the second or third time in less than a month. Not enough time for action. They can't just make system selling games faster than that.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Nintendo step in and dominating there console like they used..and stop lettin 3rd parties who obviously dont care about there Wii products man the was nice of them to step back give 3rd parties some breathing room, but very very few are willing to grasp the potential. Also Nintendo needs to start stirring the Market up..this silence treatment they partake in nd then announcing dating then releasing in 3 months timw with no hype or market/media push is old and i dont see potential gain is.

LordTheNightKnight said:
"I'm frankly tired of Iwata's TALK."

Wait. He's been admitting they did something wrong and need to fix it so often you got sick of it? Last I checked this is just the second or third time in less than a month. Not enough time for action. They can't just make system selling games faster than that.

It has been 3 times within the last week, unless a month has gone by that quickly. And besides, it is not like Nintendo just realized this slump in mid-October of 2009 during breakfast. I'm not saying all those games I mentioned should be released today (that's not reasonable) but for Pete's sake, some info on something or a keynote on how they are updating their current strategy would be nice.


Obviously, I am not the only one to whom it appears Nintendo has been doing [nothing] Wii-related. Media has been fuming over it since last Christmas with Animal Crossing/Wii Music and gamers have been complaining as well. The only immediate solution has been Mario games,...which I will be playing.

LordTheNightKnight, I have agreed with you on dozens of topics concerning anything Ninty related in the immediate past, but I'm honestly tired of finding excuses for Nintendo's mistakes and pretty much defending their many faults in the past year. They need to get with it.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

It's good that he's honest about the situation in Japan, and I hope they're already working on improvements.