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Forums - Sony Discussion - Does anyone here actually dislike Uncharted 2?

nope, i love the game, it's awesome

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coolbeans said:
Feylic said:
coolbeans said:
I haven't finished the game so I can't give an in-depth review but :( the gameplay hasn't changed as much.

I take it you don't enjoy any sequals then...

.......Retort fail?

No? You say the gameplay hasn't changed much, with a sad face. This makes me think you didn't think there were many changes. As far as sequals go Uncharted 2 changed things up a lot, but even so, almost all sequals share gameplay with their predessesor. So I would assume you wouldn't like sequal games much if similar gameplay in Uncharted 2 warrants a :( .


@Kantor: Napal is pretty awesome, but i really really like the first museum level, bornea was cool because it really showed off how much the engine has been improved, and the urban warfare part is so far my favorite. Only on chapter22 or so though. The vehicle chase sequence was pretty sweet too.

I love when you get to Shambala. It gets pretty cool.

its now my number 1 game. sigh... its soooo good :) my friend hates it... but he hasnt played it lol

gameover said:

i dont like it at all.. i mean its just ok and nowhere near the A reviews that is getting

but i dislike similar games in general so dont count my opinion at all...

to me this game lacks originality and this is why should never get anything more than an 8 (im surprised EDGE gave it 9 but it was the pressure of the fanboys that caused that)

its pitfall meets indiana jones meets tomb raider and gears of war

all done before.. so an 8 is enough because of good execution

and also its good for the ps3 because so far the only good exclusive games on the system are metal gear solid and wipeout hd/fury (the only real system seller)

Well seeing how you said this "Super boring game. im sure this will be the 2nd most overrated game after gta iv." ( about 2 weeks before the game even came out, I'm gonna go a head guess you've never even played it, and never will, so please take your trolling elsewhere.

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It's epic. BUT. I do admit I am not a huge fan of the multiplayer for two reason:
1] I suck at it. My aiming is always a tad off and it's not very appealing for me to continue to play something I suck at. Though that could change after I finish the game and get more used to the slightly altered controls.
2] It takes a long time to get into a game. It's not just the occasional poor connection, it's the fact that after every match everybody exits and you are forced to find new players. If everyone clicked "Party Up" and we never had to wait to find new players it woudn't be as bad. BUT that's never happened in my experience. And I don't have many friends on PSN[not many of my friends have a PS3], so I can't just party up with friends and have a jolly time. No. After every match I'm forced to wait an extended period of time to find new people, vote, and then wait for a rather lengthy loading screen to get to the match.

Anyways, that's all. Everything else about the game is almost completely perfect, if you ask me.

Feylic said:
coolbeans said:
Feylic said:
coolbeans said:
I haven't finished the game so I can't give an in-depth review but :( the gameplay hasn't changed as much.

I take it you don't enjoy any sequals then...

.......Retort fail?


@Kantor: Napal is pretty awesome, but i really really like the first museum level, bornea was cool because it really showed off how much the engine has been improved, and the urban warfare part is so far my favorite. Only on chapter22 or so though. The vehicle chase sequence was pretty sweet too.

I just finished that chase scene! You know a game is excellent when almost every chapter I'm saying to myself, "Well boy, that was one of the most epic things I've ever experienced."

I love it. Mostly because of Drake's ass, but partially because it's flawless.

Well... this is my first post here on vgchartz. I've been reading it for a wile, but never thought about posting until now and that's simply for one reason : THIS GAMES IT'S ONE (IF NOT THE) THE BEST VIDEOGAMES I'VE PLAYED IN THIS ENTIRE GENERATION, on either console, and possibly one of the best games ever.

I've been playing since the NES days, and consider myself quite experienced in videogames (I Know, i'm a geek). I Thought that nothing could surprise me anymore, but this beast amazed me from start to finish. The PS3 has given us the first real breaktrough in videogame technology since GTA 3. What Naughty Dog has done here its simply amazing.

If this is the hidden power that sony said the PS3 always had, now i'm a believer.

I own all 3 consoles (hate the F.... Wii), and consider the xbox 360 my primary console (all my friends are on live), but lets be honest here for a second and stop the fanboy bullshit... Uncharted 2 totally crushes everything Microsoft has produced in this generation  regarding technology and processing power.

Gameplay wise, maybe it's not that groundbreaking , but again the technology behind it makes it AMAZING AND FRESH (even though it's not). We are doing the same thing we've being doing for years now, but it has never felt this compelling an real, firing on all angles and overloading our senses with the craziest videogame mumbo jumbo in ages.

For 360 only gamers, its getting really scary right now... but they wont tell you.


PS: Sorry about my crappy english... i'm writting from Chile... thanks


I really liked the campaign but for me, there's not much reason to go through it again - many parts in the game are great because of the wow/surprise factor, but it's much more dull going through those parts a 2nd time since you already know what's gonna happen, or how to solve a puzzle.

I'm already trying to sell the game for $40-45 which is disappointing. The only game I ever really loved/kept for it's sp was MGS4 and that's cause it kept me hooked with all the replayability. I was gonna keep U2 for the multiplayer but it's barely improved since the beta. It feels abit lacking.

It's a great game but, I wanna get some of that $60 back.

Now when it comes to people that hate it:

I recently showed it to two of my other friends about two days ago who also own ps3's and wow.......I was already getting tired of all the bitchin and moaning they do when they play something that isn't CoD at my house, but this time around, they were being more whiny than they normally are. As usual, they have me playing so they can watch. They won't touch any game they've never played. If they do, they somehow manage to die constantly, then end up complaining and hand me back the controller. Only a few minutes into the game and one of them complains saying that it seems boring already.

They do this anytime I show them a new game. It's getting stupid to the point where I'd rather not have them come over anymore, unless they've had a few drinks.....if they're sober, then god....they all seem to do is bitch moan and cry.

PSN: Parasitic_Link