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It's epic. BUT. I do admit I am not a huge fan of the multiplayer for two reason:
1] I suck at it. My aiming is always a tad off and it's not very appealing for me to continue to play something I suck at. Though that could change after I finish the game and get more used to the slightly altered controls.
2] It takes a long time to get into a game. It's not just the occasional poor connection, it's the fact that after every match everybody exits and you are forced to find new players. If everyone clicked "Party Up" and we never had to wait to find new players it woudn't be as bad. BUT that's never happened in my experience. And I don't have many friends on PSN[not many of my friends have a PS3], so I can't just party up with friends and have a jolly time. No. After every match I'm forced to wait an extended period of time to find new people, vote, and then wait for a rather lengthy loading screen to get to the match.

Anyways, that's all. Everything else about the game is almost completely perfect, if you ask me.