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Well... this is my first post here on vgchartz. I've been reading it for a wile, but never thought about posting until now and that's simply for one reason : THIS GAMES IT'S ONE (IF NOT THE) THE BEST VIDEOGAMES I'VE PLAYED IN THIS ENTIRE GENERATION, on either console, and possibly one of the best games ever.

I've been playing since the NES days, and consider myself quite experienced in videogames (I Know, i'm a geek). I Thought that nothing could surprise me anymore, but this beast amazed me from start to finish. The PS3 has given us the first real breaktrough in videogame technology since GTA 3. What Naughty Dog has done here its simply amazing.

If this is the hidden power that sony said the PS3 always had, now i'm a believer.

I own all 3 consoles (hate the F.... Wii), and consider the xbox 360 my primary console (all my friends are on live), but lets be honest here for a second and stop the fanboy bullshit... Uncharted 2 totally crushes everything Microsoft has produced in this generation  regarding technology and processing power.

Gameplay wise, maybe it's not that groundbreaking , but again the technology behind it makes it AMAZING AND FRESH (even though it's not). We are doing the same thing we've being doing for years now, but it has never felt this compelling an real, firing on all angles and overloading our senses with the craziest videogame mumbo jumbo in ages.

For 360 only gamers, its getting really scary right now... but they wont tell you.


PS: Sorry about my crappy english... i'm writting from Chile... thanks