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Forums - Sony Discussion - Ratchet and Clank ToD review thread.

Damn, this game is doing good! I may have to pick it up now. It'll be my first R&C game, and I have to say I enjoyed the demo a hell of a lot. :D

Oh, and why do people keep bring up Microspot? They won't give the game above an 8.5.

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probably end with 85-92 average, most likely 89-90 average

possibly the first ps3 game to get above 90! (except oblivion), looks good

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.

Edge reviewed Ratchet:

- Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction: 8/10
- Folklore 5/10
- Eye of the Judgement: 4/10

MikeB said:
@ shams

Its not that just spherical worlds have been added - its the additional of "true" gravity, incorporated with these worlds

What do you mean by that? Some of the planets seem far too small to have any realistic sense of gravity (which would be near to none).

I have seen a lot of footage and I really don't think this game has that general appeal like Super Mario World and Mario 64 did. Although I feel confident it's probably going to be a much better game than Sunshine was. Of course we are going to see much hyped reviews and raving Mario fans on forums. But the game compared to past Mario64's success approach there will be more complex controls (sure Nintento PR is going to say it feels so much more natural... and parts of the gaming press may take their word for it maybe forgetting about their mom and little kids), less the feel of having a seamlessly connected worlds and some parts are disorienting.

Oh and I didn't really like Super Mario World 2 as well, a far cry from the fun I had with the original SMW.

How many of the movies and previews have you seen/read?

Gravity is the core new gameplay element in the game. Because of the nature of the planets, if you try to "jump off the edge", gravity will catch you, and depending how you jumped - swing/pull you around to the other side of the planet. There may also be places where gravity will not catch you as you jump off - so maybe you plummet to your death.

What I love is the huge variation in the levels seen so far. It really is a "playground" for mucking around with gravity. Donuts, several small planets (allowing planet hopping, or if you don't escape gravity - you get pulled back to another). Combine this with lots of materials/surfaces with different physics properties...

I think it just appeals to the engineer/physics part of my brain - I want to play it, just to have a run around, and some fun jumping around the levels :).


Why do you think the controls are "more" complex? It actually looks simpler to me. You know there is NO camera control - whatsoever - and from what I have read, it works perfectly. That in itself is a huge achievement - how many 3D platformer/action games in the past have had/required no camera control?

I'm 99.9% certain it will be my GOTY, and pretty confident it will be voted THE GOTY across the board.

Gesta Non Verba

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konnichiwa said:
Edge reviewed Ratchet:

- Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction: 8/10
- Folklore 5/10
- Eye of the Judgement: 4/10

They are hard task masters...


4/10 for Eye of Judgment? Noooo.... (terrible!)


Didn't they give Halo 3 a 10?



Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

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shams said:
konnichiwa said:
Edge reviewed Ratchet:

- Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction: 8/10
- Folklore 5/10
- Eye of the Judgement: 4/10

They are hard task masters...


4/10 for Eye of Judgment? Noooo.... (terrible!)


Didn't they give Halo 3 a 10?



 Yeah I thought they gived Halo 3 a 10.

I don't know what to think about them, in the same number they gave Conan a 7 and I thought that was a very horrible game.

You could call them hard to please but a 7 for Conan could not be the case if they were hard to please X_X.


$$$ talks, my xbox 360 friends say halo 3 isnt good. They were expecting a much better game, fanboyism aside I think people that own the game were dissapointed (my xbox friends).

I really think microsoft paid them no joking seriously.



Conan a multiplatform game haves an avarage score of 70% And Edge gives it a 7/10.

R&C had a an avarage of 92% and they gave it a 8/10.

Eye of judgement haves an avarage score of 81% and they gave it a 4/10.

I think they don't like PS3 games =/.

Gamespot R&C 7.5/10

Read the review here:

konnichiwa said:
Conan a multiplatform game haves an avarage score of 70% And Edge gives it a 7/10.

R&C had a an avarage of 92% and they gave it a 8/10.

Eye of judgement haves an avarage score of 81% and they gave it a 4/10.

I think they don't like PS3 games =/.

 No Edge just hates games in general, -12% overall on Gamerankings, -13% on PS3. An insignificant difference.