Soriku said:
Bastables said:
Soriku said: lol, did anyone expect MH3 to outsell the PSP ones? It's a console version of a largely handheld popular game like Pokemon. You're just making the typical stupid excuses people like to make to downplay Wii third party sales.
Err what are you talking about? The PSP monster hunters lineage are as ports and expansions of monster hunter 1 and 2 or Play station 2 games definitely not a originally portable franchise. Monster hunter freedom unites or 2 g is an expansion of s PS2 title. Monster hunter tri was a return to the series home console roots.
Pokémon on the other hand found their genesis on a portable system, the original game boy.
I know. I was saying MH when it first released on the PS2 wasn't that popular and the PSP made it popular. Pokemon started on handhelds and remained really popular on handhelds and not consoles.
That's a really old post though.
It's sold as much (Monster hunter 2) as Persona 4 on ps2, neither monster hunter or SMT games and spin offs are regarded as failures. And inspite of them being ported to PSP their home is on home consoles. Monster hunter 2g success on psp has more to do with the fact the PSP is pretty much a one cpu version of the ps2 and the ability to do local co op. One can note PSP big successes are pretty much console games, Chinatown wars failure verses the earlier 3d GTA's for instance.
Playing the demo to the new psp metal gear solid it works because it's like the old ps2 metal gear solids and unlike the psp/mobile metal gear acid/MGO games.