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Forums - Sony Discussion - Tales of Vesperia (NA version) is coming soon.....

I use hate as a subjective term, most Japanese just feel like they already had Nintendo and Sony there for a while. Then again, if hating a company means you're a fanboy, there's a lot more fanboys than I thought on the internet. A lot more. They honestly do not like the system at all, and the games that come along with them.

Here's an idea of what they say about it (Yes, I know it's 2chan, but it's actually pretty humorous).

Here's some of the actual quotes:

It's pretty much common fact that Japanese doesn't like the 360. There's probably decent amount of bias in there. Want proof? The American version of Tales of Vesperia was neck and neck with the Japan version. That never happens. Ever.

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Hey Kamal! Thanks for this awesome news! I totally want to play TOV on ps3 but not the japanse version because I want to understand what i'm playing... But i'm still really unsure. Not that I don't believe you though. When I find an official announcement of a conformation for TOV on the ps3 I swear i'll come to this topic to hug and thank you till you die!! (not for real ofcourse...) xD

Oh and this strike24 guy is ridiculous... -__- Even if he turns out being right, he still is.

Strike24 said:

That's Japan's fanbase. If you are going to compare it to the US fanbase, not a single person will take you seriously.

The Japanese literally sold out Xboxes in stores because of Vesperia only, their hatred for anything Microsoft is pretty well known.

Always wondered if they accept Apple, or do they hate everything American in electronics?

Apparently they do, and just hate Microsoft.



Some reasons why...

19:44:34 Skeezer METAL GEAR ONLINE
19:44:36 Skeezer FAILURE
19:44:51 ABadClown You're right!
19:44:55 ABadClown Hur hur hur
19:45:01 Skeezer i meant
19:45:04 Skeezer YOU ARE A FAILKURE
19:45:08 Skeezer FAILURE*

Oh shit. You look the spitting image of one person i know. Like an evil twin or something.

And they better bring it to the UK because hell will freeze over before i get shafted on import prices

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

Great work Kamal.

And also, fuck all these other guys who are crying about the game coming to NA (on PS3).

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Awesome. I can't wait to get my hands on it.

Serious_frusting said:
Oh shit. You look the spitting image of one person i know. Like an evil twin or something.

And they better bring it to the UK because hell will freeze over before i get shafted on import prices

He must be a very good looking guy if I say so myself.

"Life is but a gentle death. Fate is but a sickness that results in extinction and in the midst of all the uncertainty, lies resolve."

frikkelfrab said:

Hey Kamal! Thanks for this awesome news! I totally want to play TOV on ps3 but not the japanse version because I want to understand what i'm playing... But i'm still really unsure. Not that I don't believe you though. When I find an official announcement of a conformation for TOV on the ps3 I swear i'll come to this topic to hug and thank you till you die!! (not for real ofcourse...) xD

Oh and this strike24 guy is ridiculous... -__- Even if he turns out being right, he still is.

Adorable. I love people who can't read worth a damn. Try reading my posts and then thinking about what I just said. Just because I use some common sense, which I know is the minority here, does not mean you people can make up what I think about this. I want the damn game too. And Hearts, RM2, Graces, Destiny Remake, Rebirth, and Innocence. However, to go "Oh, some VA said something in the middle of a noisy convention after probably hearing the same question 50 times everywhere he goes now that might mean he did something. PORT GET!" is jumping the gun way too fast. If anything, I'm the voice of reason. Only reason I originally came here was to try and suck as much info out of Kamal as I could. It's amazing how people will warp reality to fit their beliefs.

A Bad Clown basically proved this, considering he just gave me a link that I just posted about 2 posts behind his. People just don't read anymore.

EU release date 2011?

wfz said:
Is it wrong that while I was completely satisfied with the 360 version, I feel completely shafted now?

no, I feel the same way........