The King Of The Iron Fist tournament
I don't think this will make a diffrance. Animal crossing - life = crap fest. With all of son'ys former full time supproters giving all to the wii and 360 the PS3 even if it still has some support will have trouble this time around. Guitar hero, Final fantasy, and mabey even kindom hearts are comming/on the 360 and wii.
Wikipedia - Despite a highly-promoted launch and a host of cutting-edge technologies, the system's high price ($699.95 USD at release) and an over-saturated console market prevented the 3DO from ever achieving any real market penetration. Now add a PS and subtract a DO from the consoles name and that sentence still seems frightfully accurate.
I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do.
Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.
Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!
Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.
Comparing the starts of the two system is almost meaningless. Bottom line is unless the 360 starts selling like crazy, which it isn't right now, The PS3 is going to have a chance to get back into this race. The Wii is the it system right now. Until either the 360 or PS3 or both start outselling the Wii on a monthly basis the the battle hasn't even started between the high def systems. I see the Wii dominating this year, and more or less the battle between the other two being in 2008 and 2009 when they'll probably have more casual gamer appeal and lower prices.
The ironic thing is...In NA, the 360 compared to PS3, the PS3 is only winning by around 50k units....And unless the PS3 sells 200k+ in March (which it won't), the 360 will beat it year over year.
Back from the dead, I'm afraid.
The problem with the 2008 scenario is that the developers are all hopping resources on the wii bandwagon, I think we may see a bigger variety of software in 2008 come out for Wii than we see for either 360 or PS3. Think, in the last 3 months of this year alone how many developers have announced wii projects? If current sales continue, we may start hearing of developers even considering canceling current PS3 projects in favor of the Wii, simply because of the lower requirements and significantly larger (and fastest growing) install base.
Nobody is crazy enough to accuse me of being sane.