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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 8 - Game Thread

The only reason I am not suspecting Final Fan is the last time he was Mafia he was really quiet (Observation).


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zexen_lowe said:

Besides, there's something else to consider. Let's suppose that hatmoza is mafia. Obviously, he has supporters, thus, that means they would have planned this at night. Now, think of it through, if you could think at least ONE BIT, would you really make HATMOZA claim cop?????

Really, hatmoza, the one that has the track record of most fake claims and that everyone suspects??? It would be stupid. I'm sure in that mafia there would have been someone that could draw LESS suspicion

No, I'm more and more convinced of hatmoza being the real cop, and I'm suspecting more and more FF for suggesting he's mafia

He does seem to be gunning straight for him.

I mean, I'm not entirely convinced of hatmoza, but I see no reason to go on a vendetta against him.

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Yes, that's why I haven't voted on him, I know that's the type of player he is. And he must have considered that if we lynch hatmoza, when he turns to be a cop we'd turn on him. But yet, he must have known the implications of what he did, I wanna hear his defence

hatmoza said:
Falcon095 said:
hatmoza said:
I would have to let everyone know about my find right?

But you did let everyone know about your role. And I don't know why you think it makes more sense to roleclaim after being roleblocked (aparently by a whore) than finding a bad guy.


Oh I thought that wasn't for me lol

How's keeping the whore roleblocking you helpful? A cop is useless when you get roleblocked. So.. Assuming that what you have said is true.. You roleclaimed to be the cop without any helpful information in a game where 4 doctors are dead, just to tell us there's a whore and to keep her, the mafia and the WW focused in you?

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zexen_lowe said:

I'm not convinced in lynching someone that has roleclaimed cop, even someone that has hatmoza's track record. We simply can't afford it, we need the investigations. Actually, I'm suprised that anyone would suggest lynching someone that has claimed cop in Day 2

We are almost certain to have another investigative role if he is a cop. Only one cop but 4 doctors? Yeah, that adds up. There is absolutely no way I believe there is not another cop out there somehwre. He is likely just laying low.

Fake role claiming is exactly what he has done in all the past games. Either run in circles for another few days, or we just remove the source of confusion. I highly doubt the prostitute is going to be pro-town. Randomly role blocking people is a mistake unless you are trying to catch a doctor or cop blindly. If the role is pro-town they need to be much more careful in the future.

And why is it everyone seems to think there was no reason to suspect hatmoza before the fake role claim? I had already pointed out where it seems he was suspicious. First we have the death of Nordlead, and then I point out hatmoza has stated he will always kill him first. After that we have his fake role claim. If nordlead is seen as a serious threat why not investigate him? Or Final-fan? Or myself? Or one of the handful of other experienced players? Instead he targets some random new person for no reason what-so-ever, and then accuses them? Really?

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

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Falcon095 said:
hatmoza said:
Falcon095 said:
hatmoza said:
I would have to let everyone know about my find right?

But you did let everyone know about your role. And I don't know why you think it makes more sense to roleclaim after being roleblocked (aparently by a whore) than finding a bad guy.


Oh I thought that wasn't for me lol

How's keeping the whore roleblocking you helpful? A cop is useless when you get roleblocked. So.. Assuming that what you have said is true.. You roleclaimed to be the cop without any helpful information in a game where 4 doctors are dead, just to tell us there's a whore and to keep her, the mafia and the WW focused in you?

This is how I saw it exactly.

I was going to stay quiet today and try to investigate again tonight. When I got to thinking, I realized that living another day wasn't a guarantee for me and I honestly thought my role was going to become useless as I thought that there wasn't going to be more than 2 doctors in the game. I figured even if I lived another day without roleclaiming I would eventually have to give up my role anyways to you guys after (if) I found someone guilty night 2. It may not make sense to you but I found it to be a better solution than to just lay low hoping I live another. I figured at least some other kind of protective role would try to save me if I let everyone aware I was a cop, and yes as stupid as the role is, I thought I should have also let everyone know that a prostitute blocked me from investigating darth.


I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

zexen_lowe said:

Besides, there's something else to consider. Let's suppose that hatmoza is mafia. Obviously, he has supporters, thus, that means they would have planned this at night. Now, think of it through, if you could think at least ONE BIT, would you really make HATMOZA claim cop?????

Really, hatmoza, the one that has the track record of most fake claims and that everyone suspects??? It would be stupid. I'm sure in that mafia there would have been someone that could draw LESS suspicion

No, I'm more and more convinced of hatmoza being the real cop, and I'm suspecting more and more FF for suggesting he's mafia

Agreed,  it just seemed ridiculous to vote to lynch hatmoza.  Final-Fan on the other hand does seem suspicious now for wanting the only claimed cop at this point dead. 

Gnizmo, this is not a trick to confuse anyone. I gave my reason above to why I roleclaimed.
I false roleclaimed in previous games when I was under pressure. My intentions are good this time and I came out willingly.
I am the cop.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Ehm, I never said that there weren't two cops. In fact, I'm pretty much convinced there are. But we can't afford to lose one.

And please, the nordlead argument is idiotic. I trust hatmoza wouldn't have stumbled TWICE with the same rock. I mean, he was lynched last game for killing nordlead, he wouldn't have done it again.

Plus, we don't even KNOW why nordlead was killed, it appears as other dead. Could be Paranoid Gun Owner, could be serial killer, could be Vigilante...

Gnizmo, You obviously missed my post were I stated that I targeted darth because I felt comfotable he would live through night 1.
Now you're just showing you're not reading through the game.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson