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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 8 - Game Thread

TruckOSaurus said:
Dgc1808 said:
TruckOSaurus said:
zexen_lowe said:
So, in three nights as CPR doctor I killed both nordlead and darth and protected hatmoza. I think I did a good job

How does the CPR doctor work?

Also, I'd like someone to explain me the role of body snatcher.

Body Snatcher:

Select one player. If that player is targetted by anything, it happens to you. If you're targetted, it happens to the player you selected.

Bus Driver:

Selects 2 players. Person a and person b. If person A is targeted by a role, it happens to person B. Vice Versa. 

Thanks. I wasn't sure how you killed a body snatcher. Which is why I was happy we lynched him later :P

But the body snatched is PRO-town..

EDIT - I just remembered that you wer anti-town lol

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Falcon095 said:
TruckOSaurus said:
Dgc1808 said:
TruckOSaurus said:
zexen_lowe said:
So, in three nights as CPR doctor I killed both nordlead and darth and protected hatmoza. I think I did a good job

How does the CPR doctor work?

Also, I'd like someone to explain me the role of body snatcher.

Body Snatcher:

Select one player. If that player is targetted by anything, it happens to you. If you're targetted, it happens to the player you selected.

Bus Driver:

Selects 2 players. Person a and person b. If person A is targeted by a role, it happens to person B. Vice Versa. 

Thanks. I wasn't sure how you killed a body snatcher. Which is why I was happy we lynched him later :P

But the body snatched is PRO-town..

EDIT - I just remembered that you wer anti-town lol

Yep I was only pro-me!

Signature goes here!

I like how everyone had a role this game, so, when is the next round?

So... this makes 3 times in a row that I was the last standing mafia member.

4 ≈ One

Mafia Round 8 Awards

Down and Out

Not only did you get stuck with a less than stellar role but you managed to mess up almost every choice.  Even if someone painted a bullseye on the person you'd need to pick, you'd somehow pick yourself instead.  Despite it all you kept going... somehow.

Won by Carl2291



You are the best asset the cult has.  You are the game winner, the champ, the one who stomps everyone at every turn. 

Won by Son1x

Wrong Place, Wrong Time

You are stuck.  You can't win, you can only lose.  The more you say, the worse it gets... and the less you say, the more it gets even worse still.  How were you to know that your evil brothers would both die on the same night?

Won by Acevil


Prostitute Favorite

You love getting screwed... or at least, the prostitutes certainly love you.  You never get a good night sleep because you're always getting kinky visits. 

Won by hatmoza


Most Suicidal

You don't really care if you live or die.  The whole living thing is kinda meh anyway.  If they want to kill you then go for it, what do you care?  May as well have some fun along the way!

Won by Megaman.2.


Accidental Awesomeness

Who cares if you didn't mean to kill them?  It's the action that counts and your actions were totally awesome even if you totally didn't intend for them to be that way.  Maybe one day you can hope to not only be great but know what you're doing while at it.

Won by zexen_lowe


Most Deceptive

No one suspects you and why would they?  You're adept at drawing little attention and use it to your advantage.  In fact, sometimes they even forget you're there.

Won by Son1x


Coolest Death

Who cares about living, you wanna go out in a blaze of glory.  If you're going to die then you're going to take as many people down with you as you can and boy do you ever succeed.

Won by Final-Fan


Nerves of Steel

How did you manage to go as long as you did without revealing yourself is a mystery to all of us.  You waited till the last moment, the very end, before revealing your trump card.  You looked at death head on and held your ground.  Few others would have done the same.

Won by NinjaBlade360



You really didn't affect much.  Your night actions had little effect and your day actions even less.  You posted a lot or maybe you didn't, but in the end most of what you said probably fell on deaf ears.  You never stop trying though so at least you succeed at not succeeding.

Won by outlawauron and makingmusic476


Most Average

You did well.  Not great, not awesome, but not horrible either. Your team benefited by having you but even then it wasn't a huge benefit.  You were completely and totally average.

Won by Gnizmo


Must... Live... Longer

You just had to live.  Whether it was sound reasoning or just dumb luck, you made it to the end.  In fact, we're all really not sure how exactly you got here but you did and we're mostly happy about it.

Won by sabby_e17


Most Wanted

You survived a good long time... much to everyone else's sadness.  It seemed like almost nothing could kill you.  Even bullets couldn't stop you and we really didn't have much else to throw at you.  We got you in the end but boy were you persistant.

Won by TruckOSaurus and Falcon095


Horny as Hell

You were really persistent with that role and you managed to get lucky almost every night.  Kinky fun for everyone!

Won by Dgc1808


We Hardly Knew Ye

You didn't really get to post... or act... or do anything really.  You just kind of showed up in the scoreboard and then went away.  We're really sorry and hope to see you again eventually.

Won by Azure15

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Words Of Wisdom said:


Accidental Awesomeness

Who cares if you didn't mean to kill them?  It's the action that counts and your actions were totally awesome even if you totally didn't intend for them to be that way.  Maybe one day you can hope to not only be great but know what you're doing while at it.

Won by zexen_lowe


And I go out with a perfect record!!

Shame town lost


You really didn't affect much. Your night actions had little effect and your day actions even less. You posted a lot or maybe you didn't, but in the end most of what you said probably fell on deaf ears. You never stop trying though so at least you succeed at not succeeding.

Won by outlawauron and makingmusic476


I apologize to everyone for the amount of screwy-ness I put into this game.

I hope you all had fun anyway. ^_^

Yay I got an award! Now I can't wait to see all the night actions of everyone!

Signature goes here!