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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is UNCHARTED 2 turning out to be a system seller?

slowmo said:
I don't want the OP's thread to focus on my opinion so much but you guys really aren't reading my posts and understanding what I'm saying in the slightest. I'll try and explain my point of view once more and if you disagree then fair enough, this isn't about individual games or indeed the platform they're on.

In order to declare something a system seller then you must in my opinion actually first define what that title means. It's clear some people consider a 10-20% bump in sales on here means a game is a system seller. I happen to completely disagree on this count due to the fact that whenever big exclusive games are released we get new bundles and a lot of advertising for the platform the game is on. This to me causes more of a bump in sales than the actual game in question.

Ultimately as stated earlier I believe you should look at defining a system seller as something that shifts in excess of 100% extra consoles than the previous week. Perhaps my 100% figure is too high but it should be certainly higher than what most people consider a system seller to be on here.

When you understand my personal definition of a system seller then perhaps you can see why FFXIII will be a system seller in Japan, the launch week of FFXIII will see at least a 300% boost in sales of the PS3 in Japan easily I believe. I honestly believe GT5 despite it being in all likelyhood a stellar game will not increase sales by that much in any territory. My definition of a system seller obviously varies greatly to most on here but I just wanted to make it clear I wasn't dismissing any games due out in the future on any platform simply off hand.

Personally I would love to be proved wrong and all 3 consoles get such amazing games it brings many more gamers in.

You do make some sense. I respect the fact that you plainly pointed out that what makes a game a system seller is entirely based on your opinion.

I however disagree with your opinion of what qualifies a system seller. I like to keep things simple and a "system seller" is exactly what it says on the can. ITS A GAME SELLS SYSTEMS.

It doesn't matter if it's 25% or 100% console sales increase from the week before. All that changes with the percentage increase is that it can then be considered a "small", "good" or a "great" system seller.



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No its not, btw guys why so serious?

scottie said:
Carl2291 said:
slowmo said:
No more so than any other big game with bundles. Too late in the day for system sellers except in Japan really.

PS3 still has Gran Turismo 5 (worldwide system seller) and God of War 3 (Possible NA system seller)

And Wii has NSMB Wii (Possible worldwide system seller)


I love how much God of war is being hyped. It sold a few million on the PS2!. It is not going to be a big game

It actually is a pretty big game here in the US[I'm not sure where you live, so I'll assume you don't live in the US]. Of all my xbot friends, almost all of them admit that GOW3 is probably the "only" game that they really want from the PS3. Uncharted, MGS, and  GT5 are not as good of games as GOW to them. A lot of them had it on their PS2s, but had a hacked PS2. With good advertising and word of mouth, I can see it moving plenty of systems in the US.

slowmo said:
Metallicube said:
I have always been anti-PS3 pretty much since it came out. Up until this point, I have had more than enough of my gaming fill with Wii60. But after looking into Uncharted 2, I am much more tempted to buy one. I actually found a used 80 gig model on amazon for only $220, which is a great deal, and I also still get some degree of PS2 BC which is huge for me. I think once I get my next paycheck, I might finally pick one up and complete my gaming console trifecta...

There have been a few games that have caught my interest like LBP, MLB The Show, and Ratchet and Clank, but I think Uncharted 2 is the game that has finally made me cave in and pick up a PS3.

The first is awesome too and well worth the purchase also but I guess you had planned on picking up both anyway.

Yeah I will start out with the first and stick with that for awhile since it's cheaper anyway and I can get caught up. I really like the exploration type of games and this seems to be what Uncharted is all about.

I like to think Uncharted 2 (and the price drop) had a lot to do with the jump in numbers. I think it convinced the folks who were on the fence.