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It's interesting to share your point on the subject...

What I wanted to show is that even if the Wii sold less than 2008, it stills beats PS3 by 100 000 every week even if PS3 got price drop + redesign.

Nobody can disagree with that, because it's a fact. 2010 will be the greatest year for Nintendo since 2008. SMG2, MOM, Zelda Wii, Pikmin 3, Sin and Punishment, Red Steel 2, Epic Mickey, Endless Ocean 2... That will be great.

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Nintendo beats everything in United States and Europa! Nicely done!

Yippie is doing good! =)


darthdevidem01 said:

What did I expect?

1. Wii sales to be on PAR with or top its sales the previous year in the same week.....this hasn't happened.

2. Wii sales to show the pattern most home consoles show, & that is peaking in its 3rd year.

Well, the PS2 peaked in its 2nd year. We all know how that turned out...

Didn't many on these very boards expect no difference?

*hands out crow*


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The Wii is more or less the Yankees at this point. I'm not going to be excited when the Yankees win a game. Now when the 360 or PS3 pop up to number 1 it makes me smile.

Well until I see annoying people overreact and suggest that means "their system" is going to stay on top for the long haul.

That's a fact, Kasz216. If pop up of PS3 and 360 makes you smile and not the Wii, then probably you're a Microsoft or Sony fanboy.

guiduc said:
That's a fact, Kasz216. If pop up of PS3 and 360 makes you smile and not the Wii, then probably you're a Microsoft or Sony fanboy.

I live in Brisbane, Australia and i get to wake up to clear blue sky and bright sun for about 350 days a year so to be honest it's not really a big deal to me.  If i still lived in Ireland where it rains 200 days in the year and is cloudy most of the rest, waking up to a clear blue sky and bright sun would make me smile.  It's not that i'm not longer a fan of the sun, it's just circumstances are different.

guiduc said:
That's a fact, Kasz216. If pop up of PS3 and 360 makes you smile and not the Wii, then probably you're a Microsoft or Sony fanboy.

Your a fanboy if you like to see the underdog win a couple times and get a moral victory every once in a while?

Wii is like always on top.   They deserve it an all but there isn't anything wrong with being happy that it gets some competition every now and again.

Just so were clear males who like the Wii more than other systems are lacking in testosterone levels. HAHA I am totally serious.