I like StarcraftManiac's, thread about the DS so here's so I started a series, When do you think the PS3 will lose momentum? Please post only about the given system. Thank You
I like StarcraftManiac's, thread about the DS so here's so I started a series, When do you think the PS3 will lose momentum? Please post only about the given system. Thank You
The PS3 has already lost the launch momentum (except in Europe of course ) ,and it hastn build up the games and services momentum ....yet .Around october and november it will build momentum ,with the release of the Home ,Little Big Planet ,MGSIV and some Sony exclusives as Killzone 2 .If this is rounded with a price cut it could be its moment .
See, that's the thing, I know Sony will build momentum at the end of the year but by then what type of lead will Nintendo and Microsoft have?
I can't speak on Europe because the is launching there as we speak. As for the rest of the world, the PS3 lost its momentum months before launch with a what seems to be a daily barrage of questionable announcements and just plain bad PR. All that combined with hardware shortages and a high price left the PS3 obliterating all the momentum the PS2 built for the Playstation brand. Sony finally seemed to be building some positive momentum but DMC4 multiplatform announcement and the Ace Combat 6 360 exclusive announcement has blunted that. Sony needs a significant price drop and successive months of hardware moving game titles to have a chance of regaining its momentum.
The question isn't when the PS3 will lose momentum, it's when it will actually gain significant momentum. My guess is it won't be until this fall. Price Cut + Home + some big games like LittleBigPlanet, Ratchet and Clank, Killzone 2, possibly MGS4 could give it a significant boost. To me though 2008 will be the year all the pressure is on SOny. Final Fantasy XIII and Gran Turismo 5 might be the two most critical releases the system ever has, and they better wow lots of people with their visuals to show the PS3 as something can go beyond the 360 in terms of technical achievements. Also Blue Ray has to continue to gain momentum. They have to justify the higher price, which it will always have compared to the other two, to the mass market, and not just to Sony fanboys and hardcore tech guys.
Buy it and pray to the gods of Sigs: Naznatips!