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Forums - General Discussion - Death Note 2.0 Game Thread

You're like trying so hard to make it seem like you're Kira dsister. I don't know you're just playing around or acting like some diabolic genius.

Kingdom Hearts 3 Bet: If Kingdom Hearts 3 becomes a multiplaform title/is not Wii exclusive then I will be banished from this land for 1 week and sing my praises to those who have proved themselves to be more intelligent than I.">
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 RDBRaptor how is he making himself seam like kira if he was kira he would try to bring attention to them selfs and the thing with DGC dieing dose not make him kira because it could have been anyone else with a brain to relies  that if he kills of DGC we would suspect dsister because no one else has a reason to get rid of him so the next day we who vote to arrest him

i think we should arrest sci fi boy because he hasn't said anything in over two days and hes not helping us in any way shape or from

vote: Scifiboy

RDBRaptor said:
You're like trying so hard to make it seem like you're Kira dsister. I don't know you're just playing around or acting like some diabolic genius.

I don't think he'd be Kira; he's drawing way too much attention to himself. He's either a genius, realizing that we'll think he's just messing around, or he's just going crazy. I suppose he could be a role similar to the jester in regular mafia games, but most people seem to agree that that's a terrible role.

@ SFB: You're online right now. Get in here and say something!

im not kira or one of his supporters, ive just been busy watching sports all day, that and trying to fix my 360

im a townie by the way

Guys, I will give you a clue. Suspect other people. I think I have one person figured out...

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@dsis what are you trying to do?your making your self look alot like a fool.

as far as voting this is a hard one.....ill have to wait a little bit.

Brawl Code- 3179-6370-3098 Name:Richi   

Mk Code-3480-4494-2675 Name:Richi


Waiting is very suspicious.... Therefore I vote for AngelFire18 so that I do not look suspicious!

Kingdom Hearts 3 Bet: If Kingdom Hearts 3 becomes a multiplaform title/is not Wii exclusive then I will be banished from this land for 1 week and sing my praises to those who have proved themselves to be more intelligent than I.">
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RDBRaptor said:
Waiting is very suspicious.... Therefore I vote for AngelFire18 so that I do not look suspicious!

quick to cast suspicion are we....... that doesn't look good... i was simply waiting to see what other people had to say...

Brawl Code- 3179-6370-3098 Name:Richi   

Mk Code-3480-4494-2675 Name:Richi


Hum. Two people have voted, and one is going out of his way to draw attention to himself. I think I will give into the game for now and vote him off the island, so to speak.

Vote: dsister44

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

its funny how just one aspect of the game changing (dark game vs. open game) makes everyone super cautious. The other game that's open has people voting left and right, lol