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Didn't know how to go about doing this so here goes:

I don't know if anyone I used to converse with on here is still around, looked around in a few threads didn't recognize anyone. In any case, I'm back and if you want to add me on xbox live it's the same username. 

See you around here or on Xbox Live.


Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

Around the Network




Since you havent been here for a while let me fill you in on whats changed:

1.The J man rules the roost

2. There is a J man tax of 500 vgc$ tax that must be paid every week

3.Wessle likes his cousin

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

Meant to post this in Off topic, if someone can move the thread there or something that would be great.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

Dont remember you.

Around the Network

Even though we didn't like each much because of my general hate for Metal Gear Solid, still, welcome back!


Threads can't be moved, if you want me to lock this one and just make it again lemme know.

leo-j said:

You're still around, hi :)

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

twesterm said:

Even though we didn't like each much because of my general hate for Metal Gear Solid, still, welcome back!


Threads can't be moved, if you want me to lock this one and just make it again lemme know.

Thanks and after checking the other threads in this section, it's fine. I thought this was for technical issues and whatnot.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

Well all the good members have been permabanned

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

Sorry ckmlb i took your place as most blocked user.

Welcome back


Even tho i dont know who you are,but still welcome back!