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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why the PS3 will stay in 3rd the rest of the way

I don't think we can say the ps3 will stay in third unitl Grand Turismo 5 comes out. Why? because its the biggest game in the playstation library. It pushes consoles like it nobodies business. Can you imagine how well a ps3 bundled with gt5 would sell?

I think its too late for the ps3 to be on top but 2nd place is in reach. Xbox beat the gamecube mainly because of one series, Halo. (I know it had a better library because it received a lot of third party support but I don't think that was the main reason. Otherwise the difference would be greater IMO) The ps3 can move up to 2nd place because of one series also, Grand Turismo. But they need to do well this holiday season otherwise the sales difference will to great for the ps3 to overcome.

Anyway thats what I think. Also, I can't believe I stood up for the ps3.


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Jandre02 said:
I see what people are saying about games. Its true 3rd party has opted alot for the 360 because its easier and has a high attach rate.

Basically they make more money for less effort. But its not that the 360 is a bad system, but people dont like the brand.

SO when the PS3 catches up to the xbox, the question comes up . Why not make 3rd party games for the PS3 as well? Its all about money, so if you make it for both consoles your bound to make more money.

With new dev tools/ more experience the ports wont be as bad. Next year same time you will prob see ports start going the other way around. From pS3 to 360.

PS2 owners are going to go PS3 if the Xbox cant convince people to buy a 360 on its own. The PS3 being bad currently isnt enough to sway people because the 360 still costs $300+.

PS2 owners will go to the PS3 because of familiarity, features, and the Sony brand name.

There are two reasons why the PS3 may catch the 360 - and it's obvious: Exclusive content and brand. That's it. And what you are saying is from a gamer's standpoint - but look at things from a dev's standpoint.

It takes time and money to maintain a developer staff. If a dev tackles a PS3 game - let's say Lair - and spend tons of loot doing it - and the game sells what ... close to 200K. That's a loss for Sony and the dev. How many monetary failures will it take before a dev says 'Screw this' and heads to M$ or Ninny with games? It's all about the bottom line - getting paid in full.

Your statement about PS2 owners is a bit of a stretch, too. I own a PS2 - love it - but when Sony decided to let core values that made the PS brand by the wayside, I have to say 'See ya' and get an older PS3 now with BC. Several folks have a library chockful of PS2 titles and they aren't ready to give them up. When the PS3 came out, it had FULL BC - then Sony downgraded it to half BC ... and now, they are like 'Folks need to buy the PS3' and axed it altogether. Nice move - piss consumers off. That's always a great business move.

I know of more than a few PS2 owners who are planning on getting an older PS3 or boycotting Sony altogether. Removing BC IS a slap in the face to gamers who believed Sony would stick to core values and not drop them just to make a quick buck, or force folks to buy their *newest* technology.

Yes, you are correct. There are several clowns who do absolutely no research and will buy it because it's a Playstation. But the day is coming when the PS3 gaming drought will be long and hard - and Sony will do what they are great at doing - orphan the PS3 and bring in the PS4 on cue. Mark my words ...

And yeah, I believe Sony will end up pulling out of the race eventually to save money - dedicate resources to making the PS4 more *consumer* and *developer* friendly.