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Forums - Sales Discussion - For those claiming PSP Go didn't flop it's time to step up

letsdance said:
ironman said:
letsdance said:
ironman said:
My question is, what is the standard we are holding the PSP go to? Until that is defined, this conversation will go round and round with no end in site.

I say we hold it to the a premium PSP model standard... that's obviously the most logical. Example: Elite to the Pro. 60 gig to the 40 gig. And right now... the Go sold as much or more than the 3000 in both territories we know of... that's pretty good

So...How do we know the premium was not a flop...What was the standard for that model?

Well, for me I'd say reaching a quarter of the PSP buyers would be pretty good. I'm not saying 25% increase either... more like if the PSP Go sales were included in the sales on the front page than 25k units would be pretty good with 75k being 3000's. I don't expect a HW increase either. Considering the go is still marketed at to the same people... people who want a PSP. Seriously, if anyone was expecting it to raise PSP sales they should ask themselves why. There is no incentive like the slim which was smaller and cheaper. It's still targeting the same market... there is no reason to think it will increase PSP sales. It's to increase sonys profits per each unit sold.

Yes, but the Go is being marketed as a new product, not an old one with a facelift. Besides, you are still not defining what standard the sales should be held to.

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I think I defined it pretty well. And you are wrong. It isn't being marketed as a new product. Its being marketed as the same product but with more portability.

All good consoles flop.

PSP Go is no exeption.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

letsdance said:
I think I defined it pretty well. And you are wrong. It isn't being marketed as a new product. Its being marketed as the same product but with more portability.

I really don't think you did. You defined what YOU think it should be. To other people it will be different. You have to solidify a standard that everybody can agree with.

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Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!

ironman said:
letsdance said:
I think I defined it pretty well. And you are wrong. It isn't being marketed as a new product. Its being marketed as the same product but with more portability.

I really don't think you did. You defined what YOU think it should be. To other people it will be different. You have to solidify a standard that everybody can agree with.

...and you don't think that I don't think that what I think should be the standard?

Around the Network

It should cost less, have better controls (*) and keep optical drive besides DD.
Anyhow, as it's profitable also on HW, maybe Sony is moderately happy, who knows.

(*) True also for previous PSP's, for my tastes their controls suck.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

letsdance said:
ironman said:
letsdance said:
I think I defined it pretty well. And you are wrong. It isn't being marketed as a new product. Its being marketed as the same product but with more portability.

I really don't think you did. You defined what YOU think it should be. To other people it will be different. You have to solidify a standard that everybody can agree with.

...and you don't think that I don't think that what I think should be the standard?

lol, what? To answer your question, no, You are hell bent on making sure the PSP go does not look like it flopped. That gives the impression that you are unable to come up with an unbiased representation of what the standard should be. Much like those who are crying it failed.

Here is an idea, Take the PSP GO sales, and match them with the DS Lite. I don't know if everybody here thinks thats a good idea, but to me, it seems pretty fair since all other systems are held against their compeditors in terms of sales.

Alternatively, is everybody claiming it failed due to sales? Or are some people talking about features lost/gained?

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Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!

It can't flop, since it did what was expected by the producers of said product.

And to compare it with a 360 slim is irrelavant, since the expectations would be different.

Its like saying that Santa Claus floped, because at 3 years old i expected him to be real, forever. He did what he was ment to do, keep me in line and happy up until i was big enough to think for my own.

ironman said:
letsdance said:
ironman said:
letsdance said:
I think I defined it pretty well. And you are wrong. It isn't being marketed as a new product. Its being marketed as the same product but with more portability.

I really don't think you did. You defined what YOU think it should be. To other people it will be different. You have to solidify a standard that everybody can agree with.

...and you don't think that I don't think that what I think should be the standard?

lol, what? To answer your question, no, You are hell bent on making sure the PSP go does not look like it flopped. That gives the impression that you are unable to come up with an unbiased representation of what the standard should be. Much like those who are crying it failed.

Here is an idea, Take the PSP GO sales, and match them with the DS Lite. I don't know if everybody here thinks thats a good idea, but to me, it seems pretty fair since all other systems are held against their compeditors in terms of sales.

Alternatively, is everybody claiming it failed due to sales? Or are some people talking about features lost/gained?

...What? I already gave my opinion what the standards should be. And its the most logical that anyone will come up with. Why would the PSP Go be compared to the DSL? That's ridiculous. The PSP wasn't compareable to the DS... Of course the sales for the DSL will blow the Go out of the water. Why don't we compare the PSP Go to SEGA's Game Gears next revision...

MAFKKA said:

It can't flop, since it did what was expected by the producers of said product.

And to compare it with a 360 slim is irrelavant, since the expectations would be different.

Its like saying that Santa Claus floped, because at 3 years old i expected him to be real, forever. He did what he was ment to do, keep me in line and happy up until i was big enough to think for my own.

See, this right here is exactly what I was talking about. MAFKKA is dead wrong, he is basically saying that that if a producer expects their product to sell very badly, then when the product does, it is not a flop because the producer expected it to sell horribly.

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Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!