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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN editor: No worthwhile Wii games have released since 2007.

LordTheNightKnight said:
greenmedic88 said:
I read a lot less constructive criticism regarding the Wii as a platform than any other which isn't telling me that it has the least problems, but rather than its fans that haven't expanded out of their "Nintendo is the only word in gaming" phase are easily the most forgiving.

While I can't agree with the blog in that no great games have been released on the platform since 2007 (No More Heroes, Punch Out and of course fan favorites Smash Bros and Mario Kart all come to mind), as someone who has no need to artificially pump up games that are "must buy" for any given platform (I have them all), the pickings have been pretty slim and my interest in the platform has tapered off to only a few specific titles per year. It often goes weeks and sometimes months between being turned on.

I haven't played Mario games in well over ten years and after MP3 and Twilight Princess, I think my days of enjoying the Metroid and Zelda franchises have come to an end (dating all the way back to the original NES versions).

But it's an opinion really, and the only reason why some are getting so bent out of shape over it is because they still fall into the category of the forgiving Nintendo fan (if you are a single young adult and you praised Wii Music, you may be in that category), which do little to actually improve what we see on the platform. There's plenty on the platform, but it's hardly the be all end all to console gaming this generation, sales rates aside.

Oh god, trying to generalize those disageeing with the guy. Same as the generalization BS the guy was posting.

It's not the obssessive Wii fans getting upset over this. It's simple Nintendo fans tired of this bullshit being aired as though it's gospel, even if it is just a blog.

We know the Wii doesn't have as many games as it could. Where are we claiming otherwise? Really, where?

Your responses are claiming otherwise. If he's making valid points then let the man make valid points. You can't automatically slam an article that attacks your system of choice. Anyone still wanting to buy a Wii isn't going to be deterred by what he has to say, and if they are, then maybe, legitimately, the system does need more games. 

Do you really think its being aired as the gospel? It's one man in IGN saying that the system has little reason to be played. Half of these responses are suggesting he needs to get fired and stop writing. To me that falls into the category of "obsessive fan" if you want someone to lose his livelihood because you don't agree with what he has to say.


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"Guys, he is right and entitled to his own opinion."

Those are two contradictory statements. That kind of opinion cannot be right or wrong, as it's a value judgement, so calling it right means it's not an opinion.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

L.C.E.C. said:

Kuro_Neko_13 said:
i bet this guy has an iphone or itouch and just loves it to death, even though it has crappy games that are for "teh casualz", & no good real games

Yeah, I'm with this guy. How do these WiiHaters sleep at night in their own rampant hippocracy?


I see what you did there.

"If he's making valid points then let the man make valid points."

He isn't. That's the problem. He's not simply discussing his own feelings and experiences. He's just making it look like that to make it seem legit.

"I personally am not a fan of the Metal Gear games." Valid.

"There hasn't been a single good Metal Gear game since the first Solid game, IMO." Invalid, since it just slaps that on the end. If it's your opinion, you state it up front and always, not just throw it randomly with claims as though they were fact.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Why do you people even care?

He is some random guy on a blog, saying he dislikes Nintendo's approach with the Wii, and that there hasn't been a worthwhile game released for ages.

A number of people have agreed with him, even Nintendo fans.

No need in making it sound like he's pissed on your kids just because you disagree with him. You wont change the guys opinion.


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The consumers have voted with their wallets and they disagree with this guy. Nuff said.

dorbin2009 said:
L.C.E.C. said:

Kuro_Neko_13 said:
i bet this guy has an iphone or itouch and just loves it to death, even though it has crappy games that are for "teh casualz", & no good real games

Yeah, I'm with this guy. How do these WiiHaters sleep at night in their own rampant hippocracy?


I see what you did there.

Eh? I really didn't mean to say anything unique or clever. Please explain.

Carl2291 said:
Why do you people even care?

He is some random guy on a blog, saying he dislikes Nintendo's approach with the Wii, and that there hasn't been a worthwhile game released for ages.

A number of people have agreed with him, even Nintendo fans.

No need in making it sound like he's pissed on your kids just because you disagree with him. You wont change the guys opinion.

He's an IGN editor.


Works on the Guides channel, database and their TV channel.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Kenology said:
amp316 said:
I don't agree with a lot of it, but the man's entitled to his opinion. I just question IGN publishing something from a blog. Are their writer's too scared to write something like this themselves if this is the way that they feel?

It's just scary that, if this is the general sentiment going around IGN, the review scores will reflect it.  I'm glad Daemon is off the Nintendo team - it's not hard to see why he scored ToS2 a 6.7 after his little Wii-hate tyraid.

It's not hard to see why he would score ToS2 a 6.7 regardless of who he is.  That's a score perfectly within reason.


Viper1 said:
Carl2291 said:
Why do you people even care?

He is some random guy on a blog, saying he dislikes Nintendo's approach with the Wii, and that there hasn't been a worthwhile game released for ages.

A number of people have agreed with him, even Nintendo fans.

No need in making it sound like he's pissed on your kids just because you disagree with him. You wont change the guys opinion.

He's an IGN editor.


Works on the Guides channel, database and their TV channel.

He is still some random guy on a blog. Doesn't matter if he works for IGN or if he works at Tesco's.